Medical tyranny and its consequences or: Let my people go

in #informationwar3 years ago (edited)

Okay statists, I promised you a way out. Because the way you are behaving, this is where its going:
(Note: Terror is not mere terrorism. Terrorism is the diminutive form of Terror, the last time the world has seen Terror was probably Robespierre and of course the stuff pre 1945 was when your side won in the short term until ultimately of course we were liberated by the allies as you ultimately still lost and paid the price.)

I wouldn't like it to get to either of those ends, either.
I believe i made myself clear that you aren't getting me into either your covidian deathcult nor to participate in your statist bullshit, either.


You want me to just be a slave to you, want me to do what you want, you aren't getting that.
I want the homesteading principle at least to be respected, build a house and a farm inna woods and be left the fuck alone or at least be allowed to own property (which would imply i can trade it for anything else or produce anything i want with it, but many items and substances are illegal as well as all trade monitored (because its taxed) so i cant own property of any kind in Germany). I'm not getting that, either.

I offer you the final solution for people like me that you've been looking for:
Let my people go and compensate us accordingly.
That is difficult to do, of course, especially as you do not even recognize the economic value of psychic goods such as religion, of having a place you can call home and so on. You do understand the hundreds of thousands you have taken from my direct ancestors. For the poor and disabled of us, you do understand the thousands in welfare and healthcare you pay each month.
I hope you also understand the price you pay for this war on us and the price you would pay for turning it into an open war.
I know i cant win this. But i can make damn sure none of you do, either.

But id rather not have that conflict in the first place.

Take my citizenship in exchange for shipping me and my stuff to a piece of wild but buildable and farmable land with enough to set myself up there while i can take care of my disabilities.

More concretely, i cost you around 3000€ a month with my disabilities and that's outside of big items such as neurosurgery and some expensive help i could get but started to reject precisely because i want more independence. With my disabilities nobody expects me to ever be a financially productive member of this society and indeed i cant hold a job. I can and did do some independent contract work, but with the bureaucracy necessary thanks to you its hardly worth getting into and you cant force me to take those risks plus of course why would I build anything if you have shown you can just shut it down whenever if you deem it nonessential? Well, certainly not going to do anything like that on the white markets, eh? I am now 30, in the best case scenario where i do not get more expensive as i age nor cause you any issues, im going to cost you well over a million in the next 40 years. Taking that away for nothing, of course, would be something you could consider but the issues thats going to cause given the rules you have in place will be even more expensive, i can assure you.

I do not want that million just for giving up my citizenship.
I believe i am entirely reasonable in the following tentative offer:
I want 50 (negotiable down to 20 conditional on this offer being extended to everyone (get rid of all your undesirables like me) and the surrounding land being made up of what i would consider good neighbors) hectares of remote but theoretically buildable and farmable land - ideally forest(which, yes, i may have to cut down if i want to build or farm but a source of fuel such as wood will be necessary)- outside of areas of border conflict or high cartel activity in Paraguay. 50 hectares of land there should cost something between 2500 and 25000€ depending on development and so on, it might be cheaper and easier for you to buy land with roads already on it if you are to transport me and my stuff there, yes.
And i want you to ship me, my possessions, guns and ammo (which i can legally own there as well as nobody else is going to defend me, not from criminals nor from natural predator animals), medical supplies, 2 cars(that can be owned cars which apparently you can get there starting at 100$, as long as they work), a RCV/Caravan ("Wohnmobil"), tools, a water purifier, a diesel generator of at least 5kilowatts capacity, a wood gasifier, a wide range of seeds for crops, fuel, canned food and drink for 3 months, equipment for satellite internet to ensure you cant kill me there without people noticing that im gone and 50.000€ in a denomination of my choice. That, and leaving me the fuck alone afterwards, is all it takes for me to give up my citizenship and leave you alone forever.

Acceptance or negotiations on this offer, Olaf Scholz and whoever it may be in other nations, must be public, for we do not trust you, naturally.