I'll give you an awesome film idea. 2035, all gas powered vehicles are banned. All the surfs are immobilized. But some dude has this massive Dodge Challenger left in their barn. A ridiculous Challenger, souped up right to fucking nines. The guy would have to have like trunk full of Jerry cans of the worlds last remains of gas.
This person would be sitting there one day, watching a bunch of new world shit on TV and suddenly fucking snap. Start going on a big ass illegal rip across the country, because internal combustion would be illegal. Have lots of bitching scenes where he outruns the cops. Their little electric pansy cars wouldn't be able to keep up, and they would have to stop and recharge them for like 8 hours.
You could have a couple electric cars spontaneous combust. Drivers could be like, " oh they have random self-destructs on them!"
Have another scene where they go to open the door on an electric car and the door handle breaks off in their hand. LOL
The guy could go around driving like a total asshole, jumping ditches and shit.
" Aaaah, we can't keep up with our little sewing machine cars sir. Yeah, he's gone!"
Everyone watching TV would be like cheering him on. Be like a Vanishing Point remake.
Just encase you don't remember Vanishing Point here is a video clip provided by You Tube Channel (AutoMojo) -->
Yeah, that shit was just normal back in the 70's. :)