this Kanye couch jumping affair, if you will, is bound to send shock waves throughout the consciousness of the sleeping masses. So many things were discussed in a way that most people have never seen before.
At first glance, one might come off with the impression that Kanye has difficulties articulating himself and although that is not something that I would disagree with per se, the level of emotional intelligence that he displays is extraordinary to say the very least.
His ability to pierce the veil on such a public stage is truly one of those 'the king has no clothes moments'. You really have to watch the video in order to understand where I'm coming from.
I couldn’t agree more with what you’ve said here! I just watched the vid today and was attempting to articulate the same things to my friends. It was so fresh, so real, and so alive... It was like watching a living man shake the hell out of a bunch of zombies...on NATIONAL TV! The forum OWNED BY ZOMBIES.
Anyway, beautifully stated, my friend. Glad I’m not the only one who felt this way.
Thanks for stopping by @kafkanarchy84!
I'm glad to hear that you really enjoyed it too.
I think many don't realize this yet, but Kanye
is going to cause such a massive cultural shift.
There really won't be any going back, no way
to put that Genie back into the bottle (⌐■_■)