Freedom of Speech and Independent Journalism is now Illegal in " Hate Speech" Britain !

in #informationwar6 years ago


Tommy Robinson, an Independent Journalist in Britain was arrested today for merely having a live stream camera outside a Courtroom where a Muslim Grooming Gang had been tried for Grooming and Molesting young British children as young as 11 years old ! This has been a major fight of his and he is the only person who has the strength of his convictions to be present in order to film these disgusting individuals as they leave the courtroom, no doubt on bail with little more than a light sentence for their crimes !

In the two films which i post here you will see that he was not in any way behaving badly or guilty of " Breaching the Peace " , the apparent reason cited for his arrest by this extremely large and pretty aggresive bunch of " British Officers of the Law" ! How much worse can it be seriously ? When a man can no longer be present outside in the street to simply give to the world testimony to this outrageous crime commited by people that do not deserve clemency of this outlandish protection and heavy handed methods, clearly designed to keep them from being identified!

Why are the powers that be so quick to silence these small independent reporters wishing that this disgusting events are exposed to the general public ?? Where indeed are the British mainstream media and especially the BBC on these terrible issues being presently ignored and swept under the rug of slience and fear of offending the Muslim Communities from whom these criminals beloing ??

Its beyond bad now in Britain and its clear that the methods being emplyed to silence anyone who dares to try to give informed reporting on these matters lines themselves up for arrest and loss of personal equipment and personal liberty ! Not surprising now that many people are too afraid to talk on these matters and this surely is the reason behind this policy which is nothing short of Facistic Totalitarian control of British people and their concerns for the Future of their country once known and respected in the world as being " Great" Britain !

Tommy Robinson Arrested Outside Court

Published on 25 May 2018

Tommy Robinson arrested for breach of the peace ??? while live streaming outside court where muslims were on trial for grooming children !


Published on 25 May 2018

I am so appaled by this event and I seriously wonder now where the Country of my youth has gone ??


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !




I'm afraid this is merely a preview of things to come, worldwide...

Hello @herrleeb, yes totally agree, its actually going that way right now and I ampretty sure they are going to start arresting all " alt right" activists that are most visible on this and then work their way down the list right down to every "joe blow" that has expressed anything they concieve as being " anti " government! We are in a Sci Fi film now !

Indeed, we are in a Sci Fi film! I think they will have to arrest only a few activists to achieve their agenda. People will get intimidated quickly and learn that speaking up is dangerous. Most will start to shut up and learn to not even THINK incorrect thoughts out of fear. Total surveillance and predictive AI will weed out the troublemakers...

Journalism is one of the most difficult professions to practice today in the world. In Venezuela it is even dangerous. When the truth of what you are going to say, bothers someone, is when the journalist is in danger. And I see that this is happening not only in countries like ours but also there. That has to be reported and you are doing well. Thanks for sharing.

This is practically a death sentence for Tommy Robinson, who will be caged with the very beasts that he has been reporting on preying on English children, his only protection from them will be the very police that protect, participate, and conceal their crimes against humanity.

Tommy's courage and composure have long inspired me. I shall be quite sad when we learn he has been murdered in prison. It has been reported that when this was brought to the judges attention, the judge said 'he knew what he was doing.'

This is at least attempted murder by the state.

But, after Alfie Evans was murdered, what can the civilians in the UK do about it? They are disarmed and helpless in the clutches of fascist tyranny. Their vote to leave the EU meant nothing, because they have no personal arms to enforce their sovereignty with.

This needs to be a lesson to all people who would be free. They're coming for us all. Keep your powder dry!

Hello @marynet !! thanks so much for your quick and very interesting comment ! Yes the world is being sent down into a very dark place right now ! We all feel it and everywhere ! So do yu live in Venezuala ?? Interesting indeed !! )) What is the situation there now ?? I know its bad but do you think there will be anything that can happen to remedy this madness of Maduro ?

Thank you! Right now in Venezuela has just won elections again Maduro in a fraudulent election where there was an abstention close to 80%. We knew that this was going to happen. We only hope for the solidarity and help of our sister countries because the armed forces do not respond to the people and we do not want to repeat the history of Cuba. Regards!

Relevance: Free Tommy!!!
Our Purpose
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Tommy is a warrior and he needs back up from us all ! I try here on Steemit to show his work and fight that his word spreads t! As indeed it is my own !! Thankyou again @informationwar for your great initiative and support here on my post )

Yup, they let the animals run free, raping their children while vigorously arresting and prosecuting anyone who speaks up against it, or even tries to document it apparently. Perhaps they should just rename the UK the Northern Caliphate now?

Yes @funbobby51 the no longer so"Great" Britain just sank into its own waves that it used to rule and is now turned over to the Islamic Horde and Demons of Allah ! Its trully beyond belief, but i will not pretend that i did not know this was what was going to happen years ago !!

It's wild to talk to a lot of people in the UK, they are like the frog in the pot where you turn on the heat and they don't notice the water boil. They vigorously defend their gun and speech laws and say we should have them too. Perhaps it is Stockholm syndrome on a national scale.

Very disturbing! The way the authorities in Europe are suppressing information regarding Muslim crimes because of political correctness is appalling and undermines equality under the law.

If a Catholic priest or Jewish Hollywood mogul had done the same thing that these Muslim gangs had done it would be all over the mainstream press and there would be reporters everywhere.

Yes we are witnessing now the real face of the " tolerant " and "liberal" left that is actually a totalitarian facisistic state dressed up in a rainbow of peace love and diversity ! Atotal lie that everyone knows is a lie but is sold to us as Truth !! Be strong and safe @apshamilton, very dark times are coming for us all, but hopefully, God willing sanity and justice will prevail in the End !!

Yes its just insane how quicdk all that went !! End of the Magna Carta and the presumption of innocen ce ! Sets the new precdedent for toal tyranny and gestapo style incarceration and yes ...........treatment of enemies of the State !! real scary and i am worried to go back ever now to that place !

The global elite are the ones fomenting this clash of cultures agenda, as well as the divide and conquer agenda. Both sides of the political aisle are guilty of serving the global elite, in all western countries.

Exposing Oz Katerji And The UK Based Pro FSA And White Helmets Terrorist Propaganda Networks Operating In The United Kingdom

Sure its clear no @clarityofsignal ! Yes this charachter is just another Soros paid shill whose mission it is to stir the divede and hatred in Britain !! Im so sick of the useful idiots that get paid to destroy freedom and security in this world !! Its truly "mask off " time for global facism the likes we have never seen but have only witnessed or read in films and books that talked of this very danger and emergence of totalitarian Big Bother World governance of all nations and its people ! How do we claw back sanity now from this descent into total Hell ?? Your guess is as good as mine !!

What was that all about????????????????????????????????????????
Talk about disproportionate! CLEARLY someone is pulling the strings!
Another demonstration of how the TRUTH is being closed down in order to save SOMEONES embarrasment.

the word is not " embarassment" @preppervetuk, its much more agenda ! This is the controlled demolition of this once proud land and its people by their very own ! People who think that by bringing in this " underpriveledged " people that have no affiliation to anything of this culture will guarantee them total and everlasting power over all ! Maybe they do not understand that they too will be thrown from the roof when this Calipahte of Satan becomes the majority and ruler of this land served to them on a plate by by the self hating idiots of the Left !

informative news...

thankyou @hannanmithu ! we all need to stay informed right now !

If you search news on this, every single one of them has been deleted. Apparently there is a worldwide reporting ban on the arrest and the grooming gang case verdict.

Yes the British government has doubled down and has placed a " gagging" order on anything on this subject to media outlets and apparently its effective worldwide too ! Its totally Orwellian and this is seriously baaaaaaad ! Even this post i mde today will land me in jail surely if it is notced and i make the mistake of going back to this politcally insane cesspit I once called my Country !!