It was a Thotsgiving over here!

in #humor7 years ago

Last Wednesday night my best friend Taylor and I went to a Danny Brown show at Club Fantasy over in Downtown Detroit. Just as we were about to hail our Uber to the show Taylor grabbed her winter parka off the bed and I was like "Taylor are you sure you want to bring a coat?" And she was like "Fuck yeah dude it's winter! I'm not going to freeze! Plus I bet this place has a coat check."

Now Taylor and I have been going to a casino that's near by where we live recently and right when you walk in the entrance to the casino floor there's a free coat check directly to your left. So when Taylor mentioned coat check that's what my mind thought of and I automatically agreed with her, and grabbed my parka also. And off we went.

Our Uber ride didn't last very long and our driver was real hesitant to drop us off at the address we had given him. Club Fantasy was a one story, almost ranch style, club tucked into a ghetto street corner on Fort Street. It looked a little bit whimisical to me but that was probably just the mushrooms we ate earlier that night kicking in. We thought we got there late but apparently we were still early enough to catch the tail end of standing in line to get in.

On the inside of the building black lights and laser light shows lit up the dance floor. The bar was packed and people were standing shoulder to shoulder laughing. So we began to search the fantasy for a coat check and luckily we found one. HOWEVER IT COST $2 DOLLARS AND NEITHER OF US HAD A SINGLE TRACE OF CASH ON US. You guys know how hot a winter parka can make your arm? We held onto our coats the entire duration of the show. Danny Brown came on stage and did his thing and let me tell you guys DANNY BROWN IS SUCH A CUTIE! I couldn't even deal with it. After his set was done, so were Taylor and I. We ended up Ubering back to the hotel room instead of going to the bar. And I ended up about 10 miles away from the hotel that night in a series of events that make me smile to think about.

The minute I opened the door to the hotel room the next day Taylor sat up in bed. We both started laughing immediately and started waking up for the drive home to Marshall. So we're laying in bed and were calling Marijuana Dispensaries in the area to see if any of them would be open on Thanksgiving and also to see if any of them had any weed brownies. We called a dispensary that went by the name of Greener Crossing Caregiver Center, the man on the phone shared some information with me that I wanted to hear, and we packed up our shit and hit the road for the pot brownies. And I want to give a big shout out here to Greener Crossing because they were by far my favorite dispensary that I've ever been to. The staff was funny and made me feel happy to even be there. I will definitely be coming back the next time I'm in the area.

Taylor made the thanksgiving drive home and life in the home town went on but after coming back home this time something doesn't feel right to me.

Coming to work, at a job I really hate, every day, in a town that doesn't have much to offer, where everyone knows everyone's business at all times, doesn't feel like normal for me now.

For a while it felt okay, I felt like if I could find a job that I made a decent living doing close to "home" then I could travel where ever I wanted to and my life would be happy but I don't think that's the case anymore. And I think when Taylor said a few weeks ago "Mariah, we need to move away from here." she was right.

Taylor and I have both lived here in Marshall for all of our 23 years we've spent on this earth and I used to love being the home town celebrity. I used to love people knowing my family and being Vic Potter's daughter. That used to all be so special to me, like it made me somebody. And in a way it did make me somebody I guess, it made me the person sitting here on a stool at work typing out these words. Sometimes you can only take so much from a place before you find yourself grabbing for nothing. I still don't know what I want to do with my life but now at least I know I don't want to do it here. Apparently there's a lot of truth in that whole "When it comes to the end you have to let go" saying.

I hope all of you had a relaxing thanksgiving and ate way too much like I did. Cheers to us.

I stole this picture from Detroit when we were headed to the hotel, I like to think the sky was pink for me that night.

And sorry but aren't we cute as fuck?