How to Earn Money Fast From 15 Websites To Make $100 A Day In 2018

in #how6 years ago (edited)

Buddies come to here for how to earn money fast this is very amazing sites to make $100 a day. If you have no other source of income to meet up your expenses come and follow the strategy to learn how to earn money fast. Here I bring 15 websites to make money online in 2018. Let’s start guys..

Hay! Guys this is Allen! And I am very pleased to come back once again with 15 websites which are best source of online earning. What is going on guys? Welcome back to here. Today I’m really excited about this post to share with you these websites that can make you a hundred dollars per day. So let’s start with amazing sites to learn about how to earn money fast.
How to Earn Money Fast By 15 Websites

    The first website on our list is a website known as It’s a place where people who own blogs or websites of their own or maybe they’re building a website out for a client. They go there and they hire people to write content for their website. I use iwriter all the time and I hire people on here when I’m working with a new SEO client.

    When I’m working with a new client who needs a website design and they don’t have a lot of content. They need more I come to iwriter and I hire people.

    You could check out the pricing here and may see most people are gonna be ordering 500 word articles and depending on what star rating. You get this is what you could make off of.

Let’s say a 500 word article when you work your way up to an elite Plus. You’re getting paid thirty nine dollars per article that means if you can do two or three of those a day we’re talking roughly a thousand to 1500 words. You’re out of hundred bucks a day. So iwriter a terrific way to actually go out there and get paid to just do something that pretty much everyone knows how to do which is write content. This is amazing site to learn how to earn money fast.

    This is also another website I’ve used quite a lot to hire people on to come up with ideas for me. They do a lot of things on this website but I’ll break down one of my favorite ones right here.

    what you’re looking at are the packages but I want you to pay more attention to this right here. There is the prize to the winner so what squadhelp does is. It recruits the help of everyday people like your to come up with name so companies come on here. They might be trying to come up with a name for a new product a new company name. It could be anything like that but basically the goal is that they want someone else to help them come up with a name. So you participate in helping them come up with a name and for the bronze package.

    They pay $100 to the winner for the gold. They pay $200 to the winner to the platinum and they pay $300 to the winner. So you’re making anywhere from a hundred to three hundred dollars just for coming up with a name for someone’s company. If they like your name and there’s other things that you can also enter contest in like taglines and logos and all different kinds of things. But this is really the easiest one probably in my opinion would be coming up with an idea for a name for a business all right. So that squadhelp in a nutshell. What a site to make sure how to earn money fast.

    Next up is, one of my favorite websites to buy stuff on. It’s also one of my favorite websites to tell my students and my viewers to sell stuff on. Because you can get started by just doing things that you already know heck. If you’re in school right now you can go and pass out flyers to your school. You can go pass out flyers to party flyers around the city.

    The People are charging for that they’re charging gigs for that. I’m just giving you ideas there’s other gigs out there as well. You could become someone’s video spokesperson lots of gigs out there charging ninety five dollars, fifty five dollars, one hundred and sixty dollars just for reading someone’s script on camera have a Twitter account. Socia Media is a best source to to get idea how to earn money fast.

    There’s people even charging per tweet right here on Fiverr to get their message for their company or their brand or whatever. It is out to their audience on Twitter. So if you have a somewhat decent Twitter following or whatever Twitter following you have you can advertise it here. You could charge people to actually go out there and tweet about it so those are some ideas how to earn money fast with Fiverr.

    This is and it’s a lot like Fiverr but it’s more aimed towards the SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Here’s an example of someone who’s making money by creating local directory listings for businesses not local directory listings are sites like Yelp. So if you ever have gone on a Yelp listening before businesses go out there. There are many source and strategies how to earn money fast.

    They want people to help create accounts like this so this guy right here is doing he’s creating 50 accounts for people for $30. We’re talking approximately getting paid 60% for every account. You create now there’s lots of other ideas on conquer. You go browse through the marketing tab graphic design SEO. The video tab just start browsing around and you can find things that you can do on here. And that you can charge people for and easily get up to $100 per day. This is an amazing way how to earn money fast with
    This is a and now gear bubble calm is a print-on-demand site. You can come up with a cool design that you want to be placed on an item. Particularly I think gear bubble is good for mugs and these pendants right here.

    So you can see a mug and you can see a pendant and you can adjust your price to whatever it is. You want so here 1895 they’re selling these mugs for you can see this one that they’re advertising right on the homepage. Someone sold over 10,000 of these 10,000 of this design between the mug and the pendant here. And you don’t have to have any inventory you literally put your design on there. It creates a cool-looking graphic on the site to make it look like it’s all there and it even creates like the sales page with a Buy now button.

    So when people buy it they print it out right there on the spot and they ship it to your customer and then you get paid. They pay you for it so a really cool business model all right.

  2. is a real crafty site and people come on here to do handmade objects. So if you think you can make something handmade you could come on here and you could start selling your handmade goods right on this site.

    Here also what you can do is you can sell your print-on-demand stuff on this site as well. So you could go and you could have your pendants or your mugs created and you could list them on Etsy. I know there are a lot of people absolutely killing it by doing just that. So I figured I’d mention Etsy and put it right next to gear bubble. You get a feel for them working together or you could just put your own handmaid’s items or crafts on here as well.

    This is a YouTube and you may watch billion of videos on it. The way I recommend actually pursuing YouTube especially if you are just starting off would be to go and create tutorials. That are actually gonna help people out. I did a search here for how to set up a membership site in click funnels. Now click funnels is a drag and drop landing page builder and a lot of people are going to be searching for how to create specific things.

    They’re looking for tutorials like how to build out a membership site. So if you could go and you’re familiar with something like click funnels you go and create a video on how to make a membership site and click funnels.

    You can see these videos are getting quite a lot of views on this. And what you do is you create a helpful tutorial that solves the problem that they want solved. Then you put your affiliate link for click funnels in your YouTube video description. This is an excellent way to make money on YouTube and a lot of people are doing it and doing it really successfully.

ALSO READ: How to Earn Money On YouTube Strategy

    This is a site called and just like the title suggests micro worker’s is a site where you do micro tasks. There only take you a minute or two sometimes even less than that to do the task and you get paid for it. Now you don’t get paid a lot of money can be anywhere from 15% to $1 to $3. Sometimes they pay upwards even higher this one pays $15.

    you can see right here there’s one right here for a dollar basically you complete these mini tasks. For example go to LinkedIn and do a search. People are paying 15% to literally open up your LinkedIn profile and type in a search 15 cents. That’s it so you could do a bunch of these and you could actually spend maybe like an hour to knocking out some of these tasks. You can make money just doing that.
    This is a site really similar to micro workers but it’s Amazon’s version of it. It’s called Mechanical Turk or Mechanical Turk is exactly pretty much the exact same thing but it’s Amazon’s version. So you could go if you want to do either one of these go sign up for both Amazon Mechanical Turk and sign up for micro workers. You could just hit it and hit both sites at the same time.

    This is a really good one if you’re just kind of looking how to earn money fast but you’re not really looking to do something very long like maybe. You just need to come up with some money you could just go and you could knock out some of these tasks and get paid for it. But you don’t really have to commit to anything it’s one of those rare finds where you can make money without having to actually commit and go in at full force. So definitely check out one of those two sites if that sounds interesting to you.

ALSO READ: How to Make Money From Amazon Strategy

    This is site I’m sure you’re very familiar with that. I recommend facebook it’s actually come up with a service that you can sell to someone. You’re gonna go inside of Facebook groups and look for people who need that service.

    So let’s say for example I had a course out on how to grow a YouTube channel and I wanted to sell that course well. What better place to look then a Facebook group called YouTube subscribers? So I could go and join Facebook groups like this. And now I have an audience of a hundred and forty five thousand people who are interested in getting more YouTube subscribers. What you can do is? You can come in here and you can post helpful content don’t blatantly advertise what you’re selling. You have to post helpful content then they would comment on the post and then follow up with a message to the people who show interest in your post.

    Do it in a non spammy way and do it educational much like the YouTube method where you’re educating. So if you can come up with a little hook of like hey do this one thing to get more youtube subscribers. Let me know what you think about this method and when people start commenting and engaging on your post. Then you can reach out to people and give them more helpful tips and maybe pitch them on your course at that point.

ALSO READ: How to Make Money On Facebook Strategy

    This is a site you may be familiar with its A lot of people are afraid of cryptocurrency right now because the market is crashed really hard. But I personally think that right now is a good time to enter while the market is low. I personally first see the crypto market only going up might crash a little bit more. I’m not sure if this is the bottom yet but I can tell you that I think it’s going to be a lot higher than it is.

    Even if this isn’t the bottom yet I think we’re going to go up within the next year. This may be more of a long-term play but coinbase is a good place for a beginner who doesn’t have much experience in cryptocurrency. You have to go and buy some of the more established coins like ethereum, Bitcoin, Bitcoin cash or light coin.

    You could buy any of those here on coin base and if you’re just trying to get your feet wet and you want to get started in the crypto space. I think that right now is a good time to go in and actually get that initial investment started. Because I truly believe that it’s only going to go up from here. This is an investing advice or anything that but that’s just personally my opinion my thoughts on it.
    This is another site by Amazon, isn’t Mechanical Turk this is Amazon seller central allows you to create an account and sell your products right on Amazon’s website. Amazon is one of the biggest search engines in the world. If you can actually go and put products on there, people are going to come across them and they’re going to buy them.

    One of my favorite things to do is what we call retail arbitrage. We go to big-box stores in our neighborhood like Walmart, Kaymer like Target and we look at the clearance in sales items. We look and see if they’re selling for a lot less than they are on Amazon. So we look at what they’re selling at Walmart. For example if it’s selling for $5 at Walmart but on Amazon it might be selling for $30. We can basically go and list that item on Amazon and when it sells for $30 we make the difference 30 minus 5 minus Amazon fees usually make about 30% profit off of it. So Amazon seller central is a great way to make money. It’s one of the websites that I would definitely look into.

  2. is another source of earning and print-on-demand site. This one is teespring so the other one focused on mugs and pendants. This one were focused just on apparel t-shirts. So it’s the same type of thing.

    You can go and create your shirt you don’t have to print it or buy any inventory. But when it sells then people will actually go and pay for it and teespring will then go and print the shirt and ship it out to them. Move on, start to how to earn money fast.

    This is and you’re probably familiar with it. Here you have kind of two strategies that I would recommend you.

    Fisrt is to build your own Pinterest profile and getting insane amount of monthly views like I have on my profile here. You can look here and see we’ve got almost 14,000 monthly viewers looking at my content on Pinterest. As of today of shooting this video that means that I have the potential to link these pins back to anything. I want to sell whether it be an affiliate product whether it be my own product or whether it just be a service or maybe it’s consulting that I want to sell. I can link my pins back to there and I can tap in and capture all of this audience that is sitting right on Pinterest. Love pinterest this have different way to get ideas about how to earn money fast.

Second, you can do this for other people. There are people on sites like who are looking for Pinterest experts to help them grow their Pinterest accounts because they already understand the power of Pinterest. The same thing that I’m talking about with you right now they understand the insane amount of monthly views. You can get from it and you could charge them upwards of sixteen hundred dollars per month just to manage their profile and help them grow growing on Pinterest.

It is a lot easier than you might think one of the best strategies for growing on Pinterest. You have to go and follow people who have liked pins that are similar to yours. So if they’ve liked it or commented on it goes and follows them and a large majority of those followers will then go and return the favor by following you back. Your client back if you’re doing this for a client all right.

ALSO READ: How to Make Money On Pinterest Strategy

    This is and it’s another print-on-demand site. But this one I like for one particular reason and that is they do what’s called canvas prints.

    You can see one of the prints here that they do that’s a canvas print um. A canvas print let me do a search for it and show you some other examples. This would basically be just like a design that you would put up on the wall so check that out. It’s just a little saying that they put on a poster that’s going to turn into a canvas print that people can hang on their walls. And this one did a really smart thing they targeted nurses so now any nurses that see this and are passionate about what they do and passionate about Nursing they’re gonna be really proud to hang this print up on their wall. Maybe she would hand in their work space, in their home. Chase it and start learn how to earn money fast.

    There’s a really good opportunity to tap into passions and to tap into another print-on-demand thing. That I don’t really see a lot of people tapping into right now. So canvas prints are great and they have great margins on them. You can see here $40 they’re selling this one for a 12 by 18 canvas print. You don’t have to worry about the inventory and they ship it out to the client and then they pay you the money. She has adopt amazing method how to earn money fast.

So really killer alright guys there you have it that is 15 sites to make you $100 a day. If you took ideas how to earn money fast by this article do me a favor and hit like and comment below. I can go back through and read your comment and welcome you to the blog because that’s what I like to do around here you guys are family. Stay connect with me and learn about how to earn money fast.


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