Importance Of Bees On The Homestead

Over the last few years, I have been hearing a lot of talk about the bee population, and most of the talk has not been good. There are many stories about how the honeybee population is declining very fast. Many people are questioning what is causing this decline. One thing is for sure, and that is that we need to help grow the bee population.

Why should we be concerned about the bees?

There are some big reasons why we should be concerned about the bees. One big reason is because they pollinate a lot of the plants that we consume. It would affect not only fruit, but also vegetables. A few examples of plants that would be affected are: apples, pears, strawberries, tomatoes, and broccoli. This is just a small list, but it would affect so many more. The second big reason is kind of a runoff of the first, but without, bees we would have no honey. Honey is used by many as a natural sweetener to eliminate the use of artificial sweeteners. The big takeaway is that without bees, we would not be able to enjoy all of the food that we eat on a daily basis.


What Can Be Done?

There are a few things that can be done. One thing that can be done is for those who have the space and desire to raise bees should. Having your own colony of bees will help your garden and flowers do better because they will have pollinators to attend to them. Also, if more people are keeping bees then it can help the bee population grow and recover from some of the losses that it has experienced over the last few years. Another thing that can be done on a small scale is for you to look for more natural alternatives to get rid of weeds and pests instead of using things like pesticides. The reason for this is because some people are attributing the loss of bees to the use of pesticides.


The bees are a crucial part to the way our food is grown. As time goes on, I fear that the problem will only continue to get worse, unless something is done. I would encourage everyone to find a way that they can help the bee population. Even something like planting some flowers to attract the bees could help. I hope you enjoyed the article.
Thanks for reading!

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The bees are so important! I miss my bees, going to get some more as soon as I can afford to... resteemed and upvoted

Thanks! We have the hives, but we need to put them together. Our hopes are to have a hive or two within the next year or two.

We have heard about this lots as well. We learnt that you should leave all the dandelions on your property in the spring since this is the bees first food. We did it last year and this year and the bee numbers seem up. I look stupid cutting grass around the dandelions but hey if it saves bees I'm in.

Hey, every little bit helps. Thanks for reading

My wife and I will be setting up three hives very soon! We helped a local bee keeper assemble some new hives for his setup too.

Anything we can do for bees, we should, even if all we do is buy honey from a local source.

I absolutely agree! We are looking into some bees that we can have around our homestead. Best of luck on your hives!