Stilll Gunning to Close Hunger First

in #homeless2 years ago

Know it's been a while since I last wrote a blog. Decided that I needed to write this one. Hunger First has found a building in Lynn Garden area of Kingsport. Can you all guess what that means? If you guessed that the a campaign to shut Hunger Down once again has started then you would be right. They won't open till November but the City already has their cronies at work to get rid of HF. They are already saying that Hunger First will bring more crime and frugs to the area. Newsflash there will be crime and drugs in Lynn Garden no matter what. You all in Kingsport really need to think what is more important to you dealing with the homeless that live in your city or trying to bring in more outsiders. My opinion would be that you all take care of those in your city that need your love and support and quit with the damn outsiders cause they won't give a crap. Till next time