Support DeFi on Hive: Buy HIVE Directly from ETH & BNB Chains in < 60secs #timefordefi

in #hive9 months ago (edited)

Purchase HIVE Tokens Directly from Ethereum & BNB Chain in under 60 seconds #timefordefi

Support DeFi on Hive

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1.0 Problem Statement

Hive stands as a beacon of decentralisation in the blockchain ecosystem, boasting a vibrant and active community. However, the current reliance on centralised exchanges for acquiring Hive tokens highlights a critical gap in its infrastructure. The need for a robust decentralised finance (DeFi) framework on Hive is more pressing than ever.

2.0 Opportunity

Less than five months away, the upcoming Bitcoin halving marks a pivotal moment for the crypto ecosystem, bringing a new influx of users into the blockchain space. With its robust DeFi infrastructure and streamlined onboarding process, this presents a golden opportunity for Hive to capture this emerging market.

Hive's unique position as a completely community-driven blockchain and its feeless structure offers a significant advantage over other blockchains. This makes it more appealing to a broader user base and provides a conducive environment for DApp developers. With these strengths, Hive is well-equipped to attract and accommodate the next wave of crypto enthusiasts, solidifying its place as a leading blockchain in the DeFi landscape.

3.0 The Solution: Hive CrossDEX

Hive CrossDEX by TeraBlock is a groundbreaking decentralised exchange (DEX) platform that bridges the interoperability and liquidity gaps between the HIVE and EVM-compatible blockchains. This initiative aims to enhance HIVE's DeFi capabilities, attract new users, and increase Total Value Locked (TVL). Leveraging TeraBlock's proven Swidge Protocol, CrossDEX promises a seamless, user-friendly DeFi experience, setting a new standard in blockchain interoperability and liquidity solutions. Read more

4.0 Hive CrossDEX Milestone 1 Completion

In a significant leap forward for the Hive blockchain in decentralised finance (DeFi), the introduction of Hive CrossDEX by TeraBlock marks a pivotal moment in its evolution.

For the first time, users can purchase Hive tokens using a variety of cryptocurrencies from leading blockchains like Ethereum and BNB Chain with a single click and in under 60 seconds!
Buy Hive now! :

Hive CrossDEX simplifies user onboarding into the Hive ecosystem, effectively bridging the gap between Hive and the broader crypto market.

This technological achievement is not just another accomplishment but a strategic step towards making DeFi more accessible and user-friendly on Hive. With the help of TeraBlock's propriety multi-protocol automation, it eliminates the traditional complexities associated with blockchain transactions.

It is the first step in the right direction for opening up new liquidity and market participation possibilities, making Hive an even more attractive platform for decentralised applications (dApps) and financial services. This milestone is coherent with Hive's commitment to innovation and user-centric development.

5.0 Features

The direct purchase of Hive tokens is a game-changer for the Hive ecosystem. Here are some of the prominent features

  • Facilitates Easy Access: Users can now buy Hive tokens using a wide range of cryptocurrencies, making the platform more accessible to a diverse audience.

  • Streamlines the Process: The transaction process is simplified, requiring minimal steps and making it user-friendly.

  • Leverages Swidge Protocol: TeraBlock's Swidge protocol automates complex DeFi processes, ensuring a hassle-free user experience.

6.0 The Impact on the Hive Ecosystem

The introduction of Hive CrossDEX is set to transform the Hive ecosystem by:

  • Increasing Liquidity: Easier access to Hive tokens is expected to boost liquidity within the ecosystem.

  • Attracting New Users: The simplified process will likely draw in new users, contributing to the growth of the Hive community.

  • Improving User Experience: It makes entering the Hive ecosystem more appealing and accessible, especially for newcomers to blockchain technology.

7.0 Support DeFi on Hive: Call to Action

Support us in shaping the future of DeFi on Hive through Hive CrossDEX:

  • Try It Out: Visit Hive CrossDEX and explore the ease of buying Hive tokens with 60+ cryptocurrencies. Hive CrossDEX link:

  • Participate in the Proposal: Your support is crucial for the success of this initiative. By endorsing our proposal, you help expand Hive CrossDEX's capabilities, fostering Hive's growth as a DeFi leader. Hive CrossDEX Backpay Proposal - Milestone 1:

  • Spread the Word: Experience the ease of Swidge and share your journey. Encourage friends and family to try it out and amplify our message across social media platforms.

  • Share Your Thoughts: Your feedback is invaluable. Please share your experiences, suggestions, and ideas for improvement in the comments below. Together, we can continue to refine and enhance the Hive ecosystem.

Your active participation and feedback are vital in driving innovation and expanding DeFi in the Hive ecosystem.

Let's build a stronger Hive together!

Shivam Tandon
Founder & CEO - TeraBlock
Twitter | LinkedIn

Support DeFi on Hive

Thank you for your support!

Important Links

Hive CrossDEX: Milestone 1
Hive CrossDEX: Try now!
Step-by-Step Guide
DHF Proposal Blog for Hive CrossDEX Milestone 1 :

Hive CrossDEX Deck

TeraBlock ⇔ Splinterlands
Splinterlands Swidge: Try now!
TeraBlock's Impact on Splinterlands and the HIVE Blockchain
TeraBlock and Splinterlands collaborate, take DeFi gaming to new heights: Cointelegraph

TeraBlock on Peakd
Splinterlands Partnership
Splinterlands Cross-Chain Bridge
Genesis League Sports Proposal

Social Links
Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Telegram


My voice counts now?
Why did it not count until now?

Thank you for your comment @thehive. 🙏

Your voice has always been important, and it's crucial now more than ever. The Hive community thrives on collective input and decision-making. Our proposal for DeFi on Hive is a community-driven initiative, and every vote, including yours, plays a vital role in shaping its future.

We value your participation and your vote is not just a count, it's a step towards a more robust and inclusive DeFi ecosystem on Hive.

Vote here:

My voice has and still is ignored or discarded because it does not leave control with the origin.

I believe that Hive can do what they all said BTC would do. Remove power from those who control the global financial system. Which I look around and see, there is no such goal by any to do so. We got to this stage on a lie.

Currently and looking forward. Hive is dooming itself.
No one with a project going wants to give up anything for something better. Each and all want support from others to do a project they want to do. Each project is a lone project vying for support from the chain. None of this is working toward a secure future for the chain.

The future of the chain is how the chain has support. Support is many things. Users, finance (which you obviously have witnessed), enquiries, content and so much more I cannot list of hand.

Until now, you have never seen me or heard of me. Yet you say my voice counts.

I see no one with a proposal has any interest in the rest of the Hive blockchain. The interest is only in their specific project and the success of that project. Currently Hive is one of the sinks in the Crypto world.

I gave you a vote. Now I will not hear from you again until you need another vote.

Why is that?

How you answer that question will determine what I think of your words. Chances are you will read that personally and feck up the answer.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your vote. I understand your concerns about focusing on individual projects over the broader Hive ecosystem. It's a valid point, and I appreciate your candour.

Our vision with Hive CrossDEX extends beyond just our project. We aim to contribute to the Hive ecosystem in a way that benefits all users and projects. Our goal is to enhance the overall utility and accessibility of Hive, making it a more attractive platform for developers and users alike.

You're right that, often, projects can become isolated in their pursuit of success. We're trying to break that mould by creating something that adds value to the entire Hive community. By improving the DeFi infrastructure on Hive, we can attract more users and developers, supporting the growth and sustainability of the whole blockchain.

Your voice does count, and so does every member of the Hive community. We're here not just for votes but to engage, listen, and collaborate. We want to be part of a conversation that drives Hive forward. Your feedback is crucial in this process.

We hope to maintain an ongoing dialogue with you and the community. This isn't just about one proposal or one project, it's about the future of Hive and how we can collectively shape it. Your insights are valuable, and we're here to listen and act on them. Let's work together to build a stronger, more unified Hive ecosystem.

Thanks again for your trust in us!

The TeraBlock Team

#hive #timefordefi #riseofhive

Thus my voice was not heard.

In all crypto tokens the same death applies. Control.

Decentralised platforms can be dismissed by legislation. This is ignored.

All projects within the crypto-sphere play to the FIAT system of commerce.

All of the projects currently on the blockchain may very well offer the things you say. Bring many benefits to the chain. They do not offer security of the chains future.

My view is any project that gains investment, support in any way from the chain. Holds an obligation to ensure they put every effort possible to ensure those who contribute gain benefits.

Look at the FIAT system. How it started and progressed. That is what needs to be done. Duplication (limited) of what is already there in FIAT is needed. The benefits derived from the system and where they go and how they get distributed is in need of resolve.

All of what has been done is nothing new and it is all done in the same dimension.
Who will sacrifice to free another. So far I see none, but everyone shouts for freedom.

Thank you guys for what you are doing, you've got my support.

Thank you for your support! @tsnaks 🙏

It's community members like you who inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries in DeFi. Your backing is invaluable as we work towards making Hive CrossDEX a game-changer for the HIVE ecosystem.

Let's continue this journey together and shape the future of DeFi on Hive.

#timefordefi #riseofhive

Will this be bidirectional or unidirectional?

Hi @florakese,

Thank you for reaching out.

We have simplified the process for users transitioning from EVM Blockchains to Hive. The bridge from Hive to EVM will be launched in Milestone 3.

For a detailed understanding of our vision and efforts, feel free to dive into the Hive CrossDEX proposal:

Your support is crucial to building a seamless DeFi ecosystem on Hive. Every vote, regardless of HP, plays an essential role in our journey. If our mission resonates with you, we'd be honored to have your vote for our backpay proposal for Milestone 1.

Cast your vote on PeakD:

Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey towards a more connected Hive!

Hive need to end the 7 day reward blockage, like #leothreads did.

Wave Media

The rewards pool is a fixed size so there is no real way to do this. If I understand correctly, Leo didn't do anything to change this, they simply provided an alternate revenue stream via advertising. I don't see a way to do this globally with hive though anyone operating an user interface (ecency, peakd, etc.) could implement something similar.

Blockage?? Wtf xD

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New year new rule.
Can't buy my vote. I see what is wrong with your plan. What every other crypto genius doesn't or ignore.
And I know your team will not discuss any unmeriting of the project.
Debit card purchase is the direction needed. This does not need already existing FIAT financial institution.
Facilitating this might not be so easy at the start.

Then there is the ethics of how things work behind the closed doors.
Give on to Caesar?

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