Maledictus Terra Book 3: Vetitum Nemus Part 16


Welcome back to Maledicturs Terra. This is a Chain Story between myself and @lex-zaiya, meaning that we each write the parts alternatively.

If you have not read Maledictus Terra Book 1: Mortis Custos yet, it starts HERE at Part 1 and ends at Part 101 HERE. At the end of the Part 101 post you will find links to all 101 Parts!

Maledictus Terra Book 2: Sanguifex started HERE with Part 1 and ends at Part 111 HERE

HERE.The previous part by @lex-zaiya can be found


Part 16

Magna could not stop herself from grinning at that moment and she was sure that if Mortis could, he would have too.

"What a coincidence!" Magna said. She looked at Mortis. "I suppose it would be a good time to mention..."

Mortis' head turned and focused on the large Orc. "You know of the Warrior God?" Mortis asked in her regular tone.

The bare-chested Orc shrugged. "We are a warrior people. Which God is best suited for Orcs? Not Goblins maybe and Trolls... hard to know what they are thinking... there are some of the other tribes or members within the tribes that revere the Warrior as their patron."

Mortis raised a hand into the air in the direction of the bulk of the camp. He stood there for a minute. "Ah yes..." Mortis said. The Revenant's voice had a slight echo to it. "I can feel there are... true believers here."

The Orcs standing around their leader looked puzzled.

"Who are you?" Lockjaw asked.

"I think it best to leave that subject of discussion for later." Magna suggested. "But perhaps you can sense that this one, above all else, is a warrior."

Lockjaw regarded Mortis for a while as though sizing him up and Mortis turned to stare at Lockjaw, doing the same. Sweat appeared on the big Orc's brow. "Yes! I see it! He is dangerous." The Orc Chief smiled broadly and Magna saw that his tusks were massive. "That is good to have in either a friend or an enemy! Very well then warrior. You can put your helm back on so the others do not need to ask you about your... condition."

Magna bowed her head slightly. "I thank you Chieftan."

The Orc looked at Magna and then to his daughter. He seemed to understand instantly that his daughter had challenged Magna and that Magna had earned her respect. Again, the Orc had an easy smile. "I am glad to see someone who had honour and mettle is leading this party. Let us go inside and we can make official introductions."

"We were preceded by Zreld Stretmog..."

"Aye and Derric of Loghaven, they are already inside!"

"Oh bother..." Magan sighed.

Lockjaw grinned. "Oh the Chiefs are quite fond of the young man."

The entered the massive tent. It had a short division between the inside and outside where there were rough rugs for the party to brush their feet on. Gorma demonstrated vigorously to Magna and grinned. Then spied Adrian lifting a foot limply to the rug and giving it a few brushes.

"Oh, I would not worry too much about that my dear. I doubt you put too much weight on the dirt, you'd not be so dirty." She teased. Magan could not help but chuckle at the remark and her brother's obvious embarrassment.

The party entered the main compartment of the tent and found a massive wooden table in the centre of the space. One side of the table were seated individuals who all stood as Magna entered. Behind the table was a massive boulder, around which the tent seemed to have been constructed.

Derric and Zreld had been sitting on the visitor's chairs now got up and Zreld ushered Derric to join Magna's party. Zreld then held his staff up and tapped it on the packed earth.

"My lords, chiefs and dignitaries. Allow me to make introductions! I am Zreld Erd Stretmong. Sporeseer of the Blackhollow Tribe of the Goblinkin. I am the messenger of the Tribal Chiefs of the Mawlands."

Magna inclined her head. From what Noxus and Gorox had told her, Zreld would now introduce the hosting dignitaries first, starting perhaps with who was regarded as the primary leaders.

Lockjaw walked around the table and took his position close to the centre of the table, but not the main seat where an elderly looking Orc male stood. He was armoured and dressed like a warrior, but he was evidently far past his prime, his hair grey and long, brought backward into a braid down his back. His tusks were long and thin, and had a distinct curve to them.

"At the head of the table is Kerghug Gholug the Silver, High Chief of the Ork kin, Chief of the Bright Claw Tribe." The elderly Orc nodded his head and Magna bowed toward him. The High Chief smiled and sat down gratefully.

"Beside him is Druk Tox..." For a moment, Magna was confused as one side of High Chief Kerhug stood Lockjaw, Gorma's father and on the other side was an empty... Magna realized then that the seat, or space before the seat was not empty. "... High Chief of the Goblin kin, Chief of the Shadoweater Tribe."

Magna realized that the reason Druk Tox was difficult to see what because he stood unnervingly still and when he did, he seemed to blend in with his surroundings. Moreover, Druk Tox, though a High Chief seemed smaller in stature than Zreld. She thought perhaps that while Orcs regarded warriors and stature as the most important feature, perhaps this was not so recognized by Goblins. She wondered briefly how they got along.

The shadowy Chief bowed his head and Magna bowed in the direction the movement came from. The goblin sat down swiftly and was still once more, blending in with the chair that he sat in.

"To the other side of the High Chief is Chief Durbul Lockjaw of the Crimson Hammer Tribe of the Orckin." This one Magna knew, they exchanged bows and Lockjaw sat down.

"Beside him is Chief Turbag Durz of the Iron Hill Tribe of Orc kin." Magna set about bowing at each of the dignitaries as they were introduced. Shadbak Gul, a female Orc Chieftan was next named, she was the leader of the Snake Hunter Tribe. Then came Chief Bhogut Utik, he seemed taller and thinner than the Orcs and his skin seemed almost scaly. He was named the Chief of the Crag Hopper Clan of the Grelkin. After that was the final Orc Chief, a Oggha Tusk, who seemed to have fittingly large tusks like the two guards who stood outside. His were even larger and he seemed able to kill with them. He was called the Shield-Chief of the Kinguard.

After this Goblin leaders were introduced. This immediately seemed odd since only Chief Druk Tox was named before other Orcs. Being named first to last denoted stature and power in their ranks. Magna doubted that Orcs would do so out of diplomacy or to save a Goblin's feelings.

First was Chief Aalm Neng of the Blackhollow Tribe, Zreld's tribe. His Chief was female, she was about the same size as Zreld and quite plump and curvaceous. Magna bowed slightly to the Goblin Chiefs as well, though she made sure to not bow as deep as she had the Chiefs of higher ranks. The Goblins did not seem to mind, they looked pleased to be acknowledged while the Orcs sat impassively by.

Chief Grarveg Rogz of the Willow Creek Tribe, another Goblin male. Chief Gheetha Mog of the Frogeater Tribe a Goblin female, though thin in comparison to Chief Aalm. Then came a Master Pattoq, the Imp-herd. He was not a Goblin, but his title did not include his Tribe or his "kinship" so Magna had no idea what he was. He was not an Orc either. He was taller than the Goblins, shorter than the Orcs. He had a look of a tightly controlled temper about him. He bowed briskly and sat down.

"And finally. Chief Tayo of the Trollkin - the Troll Mother..."

Magna did not see anyone else in the room and looked about. Nobody was bowing or nodding to her. Zreld seemed to get impatient. "Chief Tayo!" He hollered and some of the Orc and Goblin Chiefs chuckled.

Magna then realized that she had seen one troll in the camp before coming into the tent. The entire stone wall behind the seated council began to vibrate and turn, falling toward the table. Magna thought for a moment that the boulder would crash over the seated guests like a rockslide but it slopped a few meters behind them.

On one end of the boulder a pair of green eyes opened up and suddenly Magna could orientate herself that features could be picked out. A face, shoulder and hip. The Troll Mother was laying on her side and her figure created a backdrop for the entire council room. There came a deep bass rumble of acknowledgment.

Despite her feeling of awe, Magna made sure to only nod in acknowledgment of Chief Tayo, since she was the last named.

There was a brief pause. Zreld retracted to the side of the chamber.

Noxus stepped one step forward in front of Magna and turned so she could have the Mawland Tribe Chiefs on one side and Magna on the other. "I am Noxus, Aide and Councillor to Queen Mary of Dragonshold. Allow me to make the introductions for our party."


Phew... @lex-zaiya you can introduce the Dragonshold party. Hehe.

Thank you for reading!

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Vetitum Nemus

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Hive South Africa


So many names to keep track of now.

Indeed... we do... Need a glossary!

I blame my World-Builder habits!

I think the detailed scene setting adds so much depth. The interplay between the characters is really engaging, what a good one brother

💪💪👍 Thanks bro

Always welcome man



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