Milho - King Of His World -- Milho - El Rey De Su Mundo

in Hive Pets18 days ago

It's been a long time I suppose since I've posted an update about Milho.
So now we've been out here in the country for about a month and Milho likes it a lot.
The first time that he spent the entire day out and about, I wasn't prepared for it as I didn't think that he was either. He was out so that he could get to know his new home a bit and sniff around the house. Something startled him and he booked it and I lost sight of him for a brief moment. I cried when he was still gone at dark. I called and called him and eventually went to lay in my bed, knowing that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep.
photo_2024-09-03_12-54-54.jpgEventually sometime around midnight, I knew that he was at the door. He hadn't meowed or made a sound, but I knew. When I opened the door to let him in I was wearing the sweater that I've been throwing on in lieu of a bathrobe and had the hood up over my head. It seemed to scare him and he started to run off until I lowered the hood and spoke softly to him.

Now he knows his way around. Despite not really caring for other humans besides me, Milho is a sociable guy with other cats. Seeing as his buddies are only allowed outside on short, highly policed forays, he has befriended the band of 6 cats who live across the road and their three dog friends and will often stay over there all day.
He comes back at night although sometimes rather late for my taste.
He's a happy guy.
Supongo que ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que publiqué una actualización sobre Milho.

photo_2024-09-03_12-54-47.jpgLlevamos un mes en el campo y a Milho le gusta mucho.
La primera vez que pasó todo el día fuera de casa, no estaba preparada para ello, como tampoco creía que él lo estuviera. Salió para conocer un poco su nuevo hogar y olisquear la casa. Algo lo asustó y lo reservó y lo perdí de vista por un breve momento. Lloré cuando al anochecer seguía sin aparecer. Le llamé y le llamé y al final me fui a acostarme sabiendo que no podría dormirme.
Al final, alrededor de medianoche, supe que estaba en la puerta. No había maullado ni hecho ningún ruido, pero yo lo sabía. Cuando abrí la puerta para que entrara, llevaba puesto el jersey que me había puesto en lugar del albornoz y la capucha sobre la cabeza. Pareció asustarle y empezó a salir corriendo hasta que le bajé la capucha y le hablé en voz baja.
Ahora ya sabe moverse. A pesar de que, aparte de mí, no le importan los humanos, Milho es muy sociable con otros gatos. Como a sus compañeros sólo se les permite salir al exterior en incursiones cortas y muy vigiladas, se ha hecho amigo del grupo de 6 gatos que viven al otro lado de la calle y de sus tres amigos perrunos, y a menudo se queda allí todo el día.
Vuelve por la noche aunque a veces bastante tarde para mi gusto.
Es un tipo feliz.








cats are so awesome! Your tabby looks almost identical to my Lexi!