This is a really heartbreaking. How can everyone have license to such deadly weapon? I'm really happy that you wrote about it, I hope the American government get to do something about what's happening.
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Not everyone can. It's illegal for convicted felons and minors to possess firearms in the US and I think it's weird reading about atrocities makes you happy.
Me happy reading this means, I'm happy knowing that someone wrote about it not that I'm happy people are being killed, sorry if you misunderstood what I meant.
I'll edit it immediately.
No need to edit, simple misunderstanding. Happens all the time. It's when we don't perform the simple act of communication like this things get blown out of proportion. Thank you for explaining yourself.
Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for understanding me @dandays. It's true, if there was no communication it would have not ended well.
It was nice knowing you by the way.
Guns are banned in New York and Chicago. Murder rates are through the roof and gun violence is something that happens every single day. But guns are banned.....? You can "ban" guns all you want but that only hurts the people like myself who are perfectly law abiding people who want to own some protection in the worst case scenario that we encounter some time in our lives where we need to use it. A criminal does not give a shit in the least if something is banned or not, they will still get it and use it regardless of what the "law" says.
99% of gun owners want nothing to do but protect themselves. I and most others don't want to hurt anyone but don't threaten us and expect to get an apology!
Home Run @cmplxty
Agree 100%
See my reply above/below to our bro @dandays
I bet us 3, We could all sit around a campfire, drink a few beers, snort some allergy meds and nobody gonna get shot.
Don't think I didn't notice sitting cuz the gimp can't stand too long.
You and I may be able to sit around a campfire and have a beer sooner rather than later! If you’re still down in the sunshine state that is. With any luck I’ll be moving to your neck of the woods in a couple months!
I know that we could all hang out, but I’ll make sure to bring the root beers for @dandays so he can hang too. Barqs has bite you know!
It’s crazy times we are living in man, where things that aren’t very controversial when you think about it, are controversial because shit has gone so far sideways.
I understand this but I believe that wrong is wrong and two wrongs can make it right. I don't really know how to explain but, you having a gun does it guarantee your safety?
Nothing guarantees safety and owning a gun is absolutely not wrong. Using it improperly is wrong for sure but simply owning one is most definitely not something that's wrong.
It's certainly something that depends on how you grow up. If you grow up in an area that does not allow guns and only criminals and police have them, then one likely doesn't understand well enough what it's like and the meaning behind it.
Is not bad owning a gun, yes but the problem is, it is mostly misused. But is a good thing your country accepts it and you were trained well, so you use it properly.