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RE: Change Matters

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 months ago

Hahaha well we could say similar things about the money in a bank account. It's largely virtual now unless we are holding cash, and people fight over that. Currency is an interesting thing that humans do! I guess it's better than sea shells because I'm not very good at finding good ones.

 3 months ago  

My sentiments exactly. I've seen several of these virtual holdings handouts now and it's just not a good look, in my real eyes. Because I'm real. I already said what I think, it's nothing personal dude.

I don't know how many other ways I can put it in perspective. Like, let's pretend real life diaries are valuable cuz, essentially, majority of users treat this place like a diary. Proof—how many Hive authors friends' in real life know they even exist here? Yet they think it's acceptable to treat another virtual strangers virtual diary earnings as credit.

I'll try another way. If I can't muster even the slightest fraction of concern about any of my real life neighbors (across the street, next to me on both sides, behind me, et cetera) real life checking account, why would I consider doing the same for a virtual strangers Monopoly money?

 3 months ago  

Well I think it's a little different for some of us in western countries where we do this for fun, and a bit of a hobby. People in India and Phillipines do this for a living so they tell lots of people about it. They also use it a lot in terms of the funds more than we do.

I treat it like a 401k where I am building it for the future. I put stuff in it now and have been for years, but don't touch it, similar to here.

I don't love the fact that we've gone away from the physical nature of money but it is evolving quite a bit and we are trying to evolve with it and see how we can make it work.

In terms of neighbors, I've talked to some and in a gentle way asked them why they made a dumb purchase instead of saving the money. It's a decent thing without getting too nosy.

 3 months ago (edited) 

Dude, I can't seem to care about my neighbors' purchases. Even right now, I'm trying this very second and I truly can't. They could be pushing one out on a gold toilet or in a 5 gallon bucket right now and I can't even fake concern.

 3 months ago  

Hahaha hopefully the gold toilets got a good view.