Music: A Medicine for The Soul

in AFRI-TUNESyesterday

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Music: A Medicine for The Soul

Have you taken a second to think about a world where music does not exist? Well, if I'm being honest, it's hard to imagine. And just in case you've never tried to imagine it, I strongly suggest that you should not bother doing so because that'll be a very terrible picture. Music is one of the best gifts that was given to mankind.

We often get sick medically. We may experience some health challenges like headaches, fevers, malaria, and so on. The major way we deal with all these is by taking drugs. When we take drugs, we suppress the illness, thereby producing relief in our bodies.

A large percentage of illnesses in the world today have medicines that can cure them or help manage the situation. Now this is for the case of physical illnesses. However, as humans, physical weaknesses are not the only type of illness we experience. It's also possible for us to get weak emotionally.

In my opinion, the emotional well-being of a person is very important. I don't even mind saying it is more important than the physical well-being. The reason for me saying this is that if someone is going through a health challenge and is feeling completely down emotionally, it could hinder the person's recovery even if such a person is on medication.

A person's mood matters a lot. It's normal to feel low sometimes. It could come as a result of a stressful time at work, it could be as a result of extreme boredom, or it could be that you have a lot on your mind. I get caught up with these feelings occasionally. Many people have the way to cope with all these.

But I'd like to share the remedy I use personally, and that is Music. I believe there are also quite a number of people that make use of this method likewise because it works like magic. When we hear about feelings, it is important to know where they emerge from. Feelings emerge from the soul.

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The state of our soul is what produces the kinds of feelings we get. If something is feeling happy, joyful, or basically in a good mood, it simply means that the person's soul is in a good state. But if the person is feeling down, it simply means that the soul needs some attention.

In my opinion, music is one of the most important medicines for the soul. In other words, music heals your soul. If you're feeling down, listening to the right music has a way of taking you from that present mood to a far better state. Music is a powerful tool that can be used to administer healing to the soul.

I hardly go a day without listening to music. Sometimes when I feel down or moody, I don't know that my actual problem is a lack of music until I start listening to it. Music can serve as a form of therapy. By virtue of the privilege given to me by God as an artiste, I can boast of this.

One of the best ways I express myself fully is by writing songs. When I write songs, I blow off some steam and reduce a lot of stress. Music is indeed a form of healing. Sorry if I'm digressing a little, but this reminds me of the passage in the Bible that talked about how King Saul was possessed of a foul spirit and David played the harp for him, which made the King relieved instantly.

That's how powerful music can be in bringing about healing. There are some sounds that, when I listen to them, it's as if I'm feeling some activities going on with the neurons in my brain. Music has effects on everyone, one way or the other.

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When I knew how impossible it is for one to do without music was when I was watching an interview of Aliko Dangote, who is recorded by Forbes magazine to be the richest man in Africa. The interviewer asked him, being a very prominent individual and someone who is always busy, if he actually listens to music.

His response to the question was a bit funny. He said that he believed that even Osama bin Laden, while he was alive, listened to music. He admitted to the fact that when it comes to listening to music, he was very inclusive. He acknowledged some music personalities like Sunny Ade and a few others.

Let me ask my question again, "Have you ever thought of a world where music does not exist?" I'll suggest that you should be more realistic with your thoughts. Because that, my friend, is an impossible reality.

Thank you for reading!

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Yes you made a valid point, music helps to manage some mental health issues, and good music is needed more now due to the pressure that's affecting almost everyone out there.

Thank you so much for your valuable contribution, ma'am.