Group Chat with Jose Pimpo Max Hinz from Bitget plus Cheby Contreas from LaBitcoineta

in HivesNest2 months ago

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Talent Land’s Blockchain Land, Max Hinz the Head of Expansion for Bitget, a leading
centralised crypto currency derivatives exchange platform and Chevy Contreras, a key
figure in the amazing La Bitcoineta project which aims to promote Bitcoin education
and empower people in remote areas of Latin America via a bright orange Bitcoin-
themed bus.A sit down group chat with Jose “Pimpo” Rodrigues @JosePimoi, one of the founders of

Talent Land is a conference like no other! It’s the place for emerging young talent, creative minds, and those with an entrepreneurial edge! It doesn’t just cover areas related to crypto and blockchain but embraces tech within the spheres of gaming and development, A.I., business and marketing, health and wellbeing and creativity; it even has its own genius arena! The event gives participants the opportunity to meet experts from all the different fields who are more than willing to share their stories, their knowledge and experience.

The event attracts over 40k of attendees and champions talented women. For those of you thatwant to find out more, visit or check out one of the organisers hive account @josepimpo

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Featuring: Starkerz - @starkerz @theycallmedan Director/Editor: TheDeltron - @thedeltron

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Keep up the great work guys 👍

Great having Hive at Talent Land and all the interviews coming out, see you in Jalisco Talent Land 2025

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This is beautiful, I love the fact that this event covers several areas of tech

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