
in Photography Lovers2 years ago

Guys, I recently thought about a dream. Why is it needed and is it needed at all. Guys, I recently thought about a dream. Why is it needed and is it needed at all. I noticed that during the day there is a certain rhythm, and our attention is either directed to external affairs, or to the internal state.

It's like breathing in and out, day and night... And interestingly, I observed my attention in the daytime and in the evening, and my findings are:

  1. The higher the sun, the more you want to appear outside. Show my work in the outside world.
  2. Night energy encourages intimate conversations, reflection on the day and life in general.

And in a lot of ways, sleep is a continuation of immersion in your inner world. The mind rests during sleep and the subconscious comes to the fore. The deepest sense of self.

How do you like this idea?

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