Polistes carnifex

Polistes carnifex commonly known as executioner or drowning wasp, these names are given because it has a very powerful and painful sting.


Polistes carnifex conocida comúnmente como avispa verdugo, ejecutora o ahogadora se le adjudican estos nombres gracias a que tiene una picadura muy potente y dolorosa.

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It is native to Central and South America, it is a cosmopolitan wasp, it usually makes its honeycombs in buildings although it can also do it on branches, it has a jaw with teeth, the males are in charge of bringing nectar or macerated animals to the nest to feed their the larvae.

Es originaria de america central y del sur, es una avispa cosmopolita, suele hacer sus panales en construcciones aunque también puede hacerlo en ramas, tiene una mandíbula con dientes, los machos se encargan de traer al nido nectar o bien animales macerados para alimentar a las larvas.

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I have also seen them cut pieces of wood with their jaws, which they grind, making a mass with their saliva, and later they move it to the nest. In the following shots we can see their small jaws.

También las he visto cortar con sus mandíbulas trozos de madera la cual trituran fabricando una masa con su saliva, y posteriormente la trasladan al nido, en las siguientes tomas podemos observar sus pequeñas mandíbulas.

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Although it is true that they consume nectar, they are also carnivorous, as I have seen them devour caterpillars, mantises, spiders, among other wasps, and take them to the nest to feed the larvae or the rest of the colony.

Si bien es cierto que consumen nectar, también son carnívoras, pues las he visto devorar orugas, mantis, arañas entre otras avispas, y llevarlas al nido para alimentar a las larvas o bien a los demás de la colonia.

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Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@lourdeshd6, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.

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Beautiful wasps, also cool shots. Because it's not easy to take pictures of wasps, besides their wild movements, it also requires a little courage if at any time the wasps get angry & attack us. :)

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Your level lowered and you are now a Red Fish!@lourdeshd6, sorry to see that you have less Hive Power.

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