Back from Bertha

in Photography Lovers17 days ago


Here are a few photos captured on the way back from Bertha Falls, Waterton Park, Alberta. Lots of interesting rocks scattered here and there along the way. I love photographing unusual rocks. Only a few other hikers on the trail today, just the way I like it. Fewer the better actually. All in all, a decent short hike it was to the falls. Definitely if you ever find yourself in Waterton park, due visit Bertha Falls, and if you have time, try and get to the lake. Thanks for stopping by.






Camera: Huawei P40 Pro
Lens: Leica
Editing: Lightroom


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Definitely looks like unusual rocks. Looks like a seating arrangement of rocks. May be it is scattered just for the hikers to take a break. Interesting captures.

Nature’s way of offering rest for us hikers! (Well probably not, lol)Thank @shamis.

Beautiful! I agree the fewer people around the better the hiking! It really sucks to have people around every bend. Great pictures!

Thanks for the DUO, by the way I’ve got 300 staked now!

The fewer the better is the ticket. Thanks for stopping by.

I'm glad you mentioned that, I had to adjust your vote percentage to the next tier up!

I love hikes when there's no one to interrupt the sounds of nature!


Thems the best!

You just got DUO from @thebighigg.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

It's a beautiful place to actually hike, and the weather felt really lovely

I'll be going back to finish the hike to the lake, next time. Thanks for looking.

If you are ever in Hawaii you should visit the Honokai Coast, it's afull of waterfalls. It's the windward side of the island catching all the wind and the rain coming off the pacific ocean, so it's green , lush and wet.

A definite must to go someday!

Amazing pictures of nature Beauty 🤩

Glad you liked it, thanks.

Wow …. Spectacular landscape photos

Great shots! 😍

Hey thanks.

The natural beauty around there is truly extraordinary.We can see amazing beautiful views and the mountains also look quite nice and beautiful.

Best place in the world, the Canadian Rockies in my opinion. Thanks for looking.