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RE: "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen" -- my current situation (more or less)!

Oh my, you came back to Q-inspired 😍
Gustav Mahler came to Q-inspired 😍
Jessye Norman also came to Q-inspired 😍
Interesting thoughts about being lost to the world, or not being just to the "world" and your coming back from the journey called covid-19...
And how nice way to see hive:

The quiet place is large, and there are an increasingly large number of people who know how to live in it … when you know you belong in the quiet place, then you can find your people in it.

I need more of these emojis with the heart-shaped eyes :D


Thank you for reading -- I thought I would come and bring good friends to look around, and I am inviting Kurt Moll and Brahms next ... better get those emojis ready!

Ready they are :)


I hope Schumann is on that list as well!

He is ... he and his wife Clara will be mentioned, as it happens, because Brahms wrote four particular things ...

Hehe... Well then👀