Pensarán que me la paso "cazando" por la ciudad eventos deportivos, y no es así 😊 pienso más bien, que ahora me doy cuenta de esta parte que se lleva a cabo en mi zona y puedo mostrárselas a ustedes. Digamos que lo que pensamos, lo atraemos 😊.
English version
Hello! Hello! My dear friends, I greet you hoping that everything is going very well in your lives 🎄.
You will think that I spend my time “hunting” around the city sporting events, and it is not so 😊 I think rather, that now I realize this part that takes place in my area and I can show them to you. Let's just say that what we think, we attract 😊.
You will think that I spend my time “hunting” around the city sporting events, and it is not so 😊 I think rather, that now I realize this part that takes place in my area and I can show them to you. Let's just say that what we think, we attract 😊.
Esta publicación es emotiva, me remonta a mi infancia.
En mi urbanización inauguraron (restauraron) las canchas de usos múltiples Ramiro García Salazar. Las canchas están ubicadas en el Parque Robert Serra de la ciudad de Barcelona, en el estado Anzoátegui. Contará en esta oportunidad con una cancha para jugar básquet y una para el juego de fútbol. Actualmente, sirve de espacio de práctica para varias academias en estas disciplinas (escuela de básquet de Portugal y escuela de futbol de Portugal)y espero que pueda servir para el desarrollo de otras más.
English version
This publication is emotional, it takes me back to my childhood.
In my urbanization they inaugurated (restored) the Ramiro García Salazar multipurpose courts. The courts are located in the Robert Serra Park in the city of Barcelona, in the state of Anzoátegui. The new courts will have a basketball court and a soccer field. Currently, it serves as a practice space for several academies in these disciplines (Portugal basketball school and Portugal soccer school) and I hope it can serve for the development of others.
In my urbanization they inaugurated (restored) the Ramiro García Salazar multipurpose courts. The courts are located in the Robert Serra Park in the city of Barcelona, in the state of Anzoátegui. The new courts will have a basketball court and a soccer field. Currently, it serves as a practice space for several academies in these disciplines (Portugal basketball school and Portugal soccer school) and I hope it can serve for the development of others.
¿Qué tiene de especial? Muchas cosas.
Desde que tengo uso de razón esa cancha estuvo allí. Desde pequeña recuerdo que allí hacían eventos sociales de la urbanización y sus adyacencias. Y aquí el primer recuerdo.
El señor Ramiro, era un vecino muy querido. Excelente padre, trabajador, abogado, deportista y muy devoto de la Virgen del Valle. Él tuvo el sueño de instruir a sus hijos en algún deporte, pero no solo a ellos o llevarlos a que aprendieran, sino de hacerlo en la comunidad.
Una de las anécdotas fue que el primer día de la escuela de basket que ideó, solo estaban: él, su hijo y su hija ¡Más nadie asistió! Y era de esperarse, ya que en aquel tiempo no existía las redes sociales o el interés de tener a los niños en algún deporte; recuerdo que yo, como niña, era impensable jugar algo "de varones".
Ramiro se encargó entonces de ir casa por casa, visitando a todas las madres, padres, abuelas y motivando a que fueran una sola vez a ver que tal. Tanto fue su empeño, que él mismo buscaba a los niños y los regresaba a su casa.
English version
What's so special about it? A lot of things.
For as long as I can remember that court has been there. Since I was a little girl I remember that social events of the urbanization and its surroundings were held there. And here is my first memory.
Mr. Ramiro was a very dear neighbor. He was an excellent father, hard worker, lawyer, sportsman and very devoted to the Virgin of the Valley. He had the dream of instructing his children in some sport, but not only to them or to take them to learn, but to do it in the community.
One of the anecdotes was that on the first day of the basketball school that he devised, only he, his son and daughter were there. And it was to be expected, since at that time there were no social networks or interest in having children in any sport; I remember that I, as a child, it was unthinkable to play something “for boys”.
Ramiro then took it upon himself to go house to house, visiting all the mothers, fathers, grandmothers and motivating them to go just once to see how it was going. He was so determined that he himself looked for the children and returned them to their homes.
For as long as I can remember that court has been there. Since I was a little girl I remember that social events of the urbanization and its surroundings were held there. And here is my first memory.
Mr. Ramiro was a very dear neighbor. He was an excellent father, hard worker, lawyer, sportsman and very devoted to the Virgin of the Valley. He had the dream of instructing his children in some sport, but not only to them or to take them to learn, but to do it in the community.
One of the anecdotes was that on the first day of the basketball school that he devised, only he, his son and daughter were there. And it was to be expected, since at that time there were no social networks or interest in having children in any sport; I remember that I, as a child, it was unthinkable to play something “for boys”.
Ramiro then took it upon himself to go house to house, visiting all the mothers, fathers, grandmothers and motivating them to go just once to see how it was going. He was so determined that he himself looked for the children and returned them to their homes.
En poco tiempo se fundó "la escuela de básquet de Portugal" y créanme que coexistíamos en ese espacio ¡Más de 100 niños y niñas!, que sin saber agarrar un balón, íbamos aprendiendo el deporte.
Creo que desde allí inició mi pasión por el básquet, la cual mantengo hasta ahora y pisar esos espacios restaurados, me conmovió hasta los cimientos más profundos de mis recuerdos.
Ramiro partió hace muchos años de este mundo, quedó mucho por hacer y aunque la escuela se mantuvo por algunos años más, no volvió a ser igual.
English version
In a short time “Portugal's basketball school” was founded and believe me, more than 100 boys and girls coexisted in that space, and without knowing how to hold a ball, we were learning the sport.
I believe that from there my passion for basketball began, which I still maintain to this day, and stepping on those restored spaces moved me to the deepest foundations of my memories.
Ramiro left this world many years ago, there was a lot left to do and although the school was maintained for a few more years, it was never the same again.
I believe that from there my passion for basketball began, which I still maintain to this day, and stepping on those restored spaces moved me to the deepest foundations of my memories.
Ramiro left this world many years ago, there was a lot left to do and although the school was maintained for a few more years, it was never the same again.
Hoy en día, es muy común que los espacios deportivos le pongan unos nombres que no tienen nada que ver con el deporte o la comunidad, así que reconocer su legado, disciplina y entrega por la comunidad, es un paso importante para rescatar y retomar ese amor por el deporte como lo tenía él y nos enseñó.
Esa tarde, nos dimos cita muchos de los vecinos que cada fin de semana compartíamos "en la cancha" alguna práctica o campeonato. Recordamos como figuras de nuestro equipo profesional venían a jugar con nosotros, las rivalidades que teníamos "con otras canchas" y los amigos que también fueron fundadores y están regados por el mundo. Cuando digo que las emociones estuvieron a flor de piel, no les miento, en realidad seguimos siendo los mismos muchachos con el mismo sentido de pertenencia como una vez nos formamos allí.
Los trabajos de recuperación se iniciaron hace más de un mes y entre ellos estuvieron contemplados: techado completo (todas las láminas se las habían robado), iluminación (ya que estaba totalmente a oscuras), enrejado, pintura, demarcación de los lineamientos de la cancha, arreglo de gradas, desmalezamiento, letreros, y ornamento en las áreas adyacentes como siembra de árboles. Todo quedó muy bonito.
English version
Nowadays, it is very common for sports venues to be given names that have nothing to do with the sport or the community, so recognizing his legacy, discipline and dedication to the community is an important step to rescue and retake that love for the sport as he had and taught us.
That afternoon, many of us neighbors who every weekend shared “on the court” some practice or championship, gathered together. We remembered how some of the stars of our professional team came to play with us, the rivalries we had “with other courts” and the friends who were also founders and are scattered around the world. When I say that emotions were running high, I am not lying, in reality we are still the same guys with the same sense of belonging as once we were formed there.
The recovery work began more than a month ago and included: complete roofing (all the sheets had been stolen), lighting (since it was totally dark), trellising, painting, demarcation of the lines of the field, arrangement of bleachers, weeding, signs, and ornamentation in adjacent areas such as planting trees. Everything looked very nice.
That afternoon, many of us neighbors who every weekend shared “on the court” some practice or championship, gathered together. We remembered how some of the stars of our professional team came to play with us, the rivalries we had “with other courts” and the friends who were also founders and are scattered around the world. When I say that emotions were running high, I am not lying, in reality we are still the same guys with the same sense of belonging as once we were formed there.
The recovery work began more than a month ago and included: complete roofing (all the sheets had been stolen), lighting (since it was totally dark), trellising, painting, demarcation of the lines of the field, arrangement of bleachers, weeding, signs, and ornamentation in adjacent areas such as planting trees. Everything looked very nice.
Considero que los atletas de alto rendimiento no pueden, ¡Jamás!, ser descubiertos si no tiene espacios donde comiencen a formarse desde chicos. También el trabajo familiar influye mucho; lo digo con propiedad porque en nuestro tiempo, muchos de nuestros padres trabajaban y no tenían el tiempo o interés de llevarnos. Sin embargo, vi muchas familias apoyando a sus hijos (as) y eso los ayudará a llegar más lejos.
Un deportista que tenga los espacios adecuados para su práctica, tiene mayores posibilidades de aprender técnicas, estrategias y poder adquirir habilidades para competencias futuras. Espero que de allí salgan grandes representantes en las disciplinas que se juegan allí y aunque ese día llovió, quede pendiente en darme un paseo (sobre todo los fines de semana), para disfrutar del ambiente deportivo que hace muchos años no se vivía en mi urbanización.
English version
I believe that high-performance athletes can never be discovered if they do not have spaces where they can begin to develop from an early age. I say this because in our time, many of our parents worked and did not have the time or interest to take us. However, I saw many families supporting their children and that will help them to go further.
An athlete who has adequate space to practice has greater possibilities of learning techniques, strategies and being able to acquire skills for future competitions. I hope that great representatives come out of there in the disciplines that are played there and even though it rained that day, I was pending to take a walk (especially on weekends), to enjoy the sporting environment that many years ago was not lived in my urbanization.
An athlete who has adequate space to practice has greater possibilities of learning techniques, strategies and being able to acquire skills for future competitions. I hope that great representatives come out of there in the disciplines that are played there and even though it rained that day, I was pending to take a walk (especially on weekends), to enjoy the sporting environment that many years ago was not lived in my urbanization.
Espero que los espacios restaurados sean cuidados por todos los que la usan y los vecinos, es la única forma de que verdaderamente sea un espacio rescatado.
El separador lo hice en Canvas.
El traductor que usé fue DeepL.
Hasta un próximo encuentro deportivo
English version
I hope that the restored spaces will be cared for by all who use it and the neighbors, it is the only way for it to truly be a rescued space.
All photographs are my own.
The separator was made in Canvas.
The translator I used was DeepL.
Until the next sporting event.
All photographs are my own.
The separator was made in Canvas.
The translator I used was DeepL.
Until the next sporting event.
Que bueno vale
Sí, espero disfrutar de sus espacios pronto. Gracias por comentar 😉.
Que bueno vale
Qué bonita presentación amiga y coincido, en que lo que pensamos, lo atraemos.
Quede anonadado con la historia de Ramiro y qué genial, que te recuerden de esta manera. Historias como estas hay muchas y sería genial reseñarla, para dejarlo plasmadas en la blockchain.
Nos gusta, lo armonioso de tus líneas y los distintos tamaños de fuentes que utilizas.
Sugerencia anotada. De tener algún tutorial o ejemplo, sería de gran ayuda para mejorar en ese aspecto. Saludos 🤗.
Claro que sí.
mejorar tus creaciones.En el servidor de Discord del proyecto @aliento, en la sección #guías, encontrarás muchas publicaciones que te harán
Te dejo una por aquí
Feliz día
Eso sí es genial amiga,contar con esos espacios así de bonitos, no hay excusa para no prácticar deporte, muy conmovedora historia del señor Ramiro, gente como él, es que han ido fortaleciendo el deporte en las comunidades, que su legado se mantenga por muchos años más y ojalá que los que viven a los alrededores de esa cancha, la cuiden y mantenga así de bonita.
Fuerte abrazo 🤗🥰
¡Hola amiga! Pues sí, fue un señor que dejó huella en todos nosotros. Eso es lo que se espera, que cuiden todos los espacios para nosotros y generaciones futuras.
Saludos y gracias por tu lectura y comentario 🤗.
Así será amiga, espero más historias tuya🥰🤗