Village Charm from the Air, A Calming Adventure

in Drone5 months ago

Hello Hiver in Drone Community Lover

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are

In this post, I want to invite you on an adventure with me through the lens of my drone camera. A few days ago, I visited a village that is quite far from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Pada postingan kali ini, saya ingin mengajak kalian bertualang bersama saya melalui lensa kamera drone. Beberapa hari lalu, saya mengunjungi sebuah desa yang terletak cukup jauh dari hiruk pikuk kota.

As we know, the atmosphere of a village and a city is very different. If in the city we are accustomed to skyscrapers and heavy traffic, in the village we will be presented with a much calmer view. Lush trees and vast green rice fields are everyday sights. The silence and peacefulness are so palpable in this village.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, suasana desa dan kota sangatlah berbeda. Jika di kota kita terbiasa dengan gedung-gedung pencakar langit dan lalu lintas yang padat, di desa kita akan disuguhkan pemandangan yang jauh lebih tenang. Pepohonan rindang dan hamparan sawah hijau menjadi pemandangan sehari-hari. Keheningan dan kedamaian begitu terasa menyelimuti desa ini.

The village I visited is about 10 kilometers from the city center. A 1.5-hour journey by motorcycle took me to a completely different atmosphere.

Desa yang saya kunjungi berjarak sekitar 10 kilometer dari pusat kota. Perjalanan selama 1,5 jam dengan sepeda motor membawa saya pada suasana yang benar-benar berbeda.

Through these aerial photos, I want to invite you to experience firsthand the peaceful atmosphere of the village. I'm sure these photos will transport you as if you were actually there.

Melalui foto-foto udara ini, saya ingin mengajak kalian merasakan langsung suasana damai di desa. Saya yakin, foto-foto ini akan membawa kalian seolah-olah sedang berada di sana.

In these photos, you can see the daily activities of the villagers, such as farmers busy working in their fields.

Dalam foto-foto ini, kalian bisa melihat aktivitas sehari-hari warga desa, seperti para petani yang sedang sibuk menggarap sawah.

I hope this short story and the photos I share can bring you a little bit of the coolness and peacefulness of the village. Enjoy!

Semoga cerita singkat dan foto-foto yang saya bagikan ini bisa sedikit banyak membawa kalian merasakan kesejukan dan kedamaian desa. Selamat menikmati!

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All Picture Taken With Drone Mavic Air 2 Camera
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Nice shots, it's interesting to see the workers in the fields.

Thank you sir for your appreciation and liking my photography work. In the next post, I will show the video.