CCC's Street Art Contest #124 ~ StreetArt find on a ceiling in JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA, Spain 🇪🇸

in StreetArt2 years ago

Hi all 👋🏻

Today I want to share with you a large StreetArt find I found in Jerez de La Frontera, Spain 🇪🇸 I found this work in a shopping mall on the ceiling in a circle on 18 November 2022.

The first #photo will be my #entry into the “CCC's Street Art Contest #124” hosted by @digi-me Thank you @trincowski, @heroldius, @melinda010100, @ervin-lemark, @ecency, @tobetada and @arcange and many more for supporting this #contest!

CCC's Street Art Contest #124 | 100% Liquid Payout and ecency points as Prize Pool & Winners of #123‼️
It tells you the rules and how to enter. Join us! It’s fun 🤩‼️If you want to know more about this contest: have a look at @digi-me ’s post:

The Photographs in this post I took with my iPhone…

Let’s have a look at my StreetArt find:

The whole ceiling 😎🎨

Artist: unknown
Title: …
Location: ceiling of a shopping mall - Centro Commercial Area Sur de Jerez de La Frontera, Spain 🇪🇸
Work Created unknown.
I tried to find more info about it, but I was unable to find the artist.

Let’s have a closer look around and see the different sections of this art work.
So many details you can find in here… 😎 one can see every time something else looking around it.
So many intricate details.

Have a look 😊

A bit more details with the surroundings of the shopping mall included:

You can see how large this work is. 😎😊 it’s pretty cool.

Last details 🤓

Thank you for looking and reading 😊 🙏🏻 Stay tuned for more… 😉And that’s all for todays #StreetArt post. Until the next one! 👋🏻😎 Hope you enjoyed my #photos of this StreetArt find in Southern Spain 🇪🇸 #haveyoubeenhere

Gif by @irisworld

Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great day all 😎
Grtz Jackie


The divider is Created by SilverFish / mondoshawan

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!


Very cool ceiling with this cartoon style... Thanks for sharing these pics on The StreetArt Community.

Happy to be here and share.
Have an awesome weekend and if I don’t speak to you sooner…
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours 🎉🎉🍾🥂🎉🎉🍾🥂Thank you so much @heroldius 👋🏻😊 it was a cool find.

New Year Christmas GIF by Hello All

Wow this looks like a postmodern fresco par excellence! In a mall and done in the very cartoonish style, I cannot think of a better example of postmodernism! Love it. Thanks for sharing this! Maybe one day in the future someone will stumble upon this ruined mall and think: who could have made this stunning piece of art! Funny to think about it in that sense.

That’s indeed an interesting way to think about this mall and artwork.
I think about that with my murals that I painted here and there on walls of restaurants, villas and hotels.
The ones that are painted over… maybe one day, somebody will find it again under some layers hehehe 🤭

It looks so great, I just had to capture it and share. Wonderful to see. Happy I could share it with you my friend 👋🏻😊

Oh yes! I do the same with my writing. Maybe one day someone will find the stack of manuscripts and see something worth publishing in there! We can dream, right?

It is always awesome to read and see how others express themselves either as individuals or as a community!

It would be a dream and we are allowed to dream 😎😉 hehehe 🤭

Yes, I agree…
Have a wonderful new week and may this year bring you happiness, laughter and good luck.

A most impressive "Cartoon Themed" ceiling Artwork (in my opinion). Stunning 🙃

Thank you so much @fun.farms 🙏🏻😎

Happy New Year 🍾🥂🎉🎉🥳🥳🍾🥂 all the best wishes to you and yours!

2023 will be so PIMPED !LOL !PIMP 😀

!gif Happy New Year to you too!

You must be killin' it out here!
5.000 PIMP@fun.farms just slapped you with , @littlebee4.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thank you so much 😊

Why did the hospital send all the nurses to art school?
So they could learn to draw blood.

Credit: reddit

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(1/6)@littlebee4, I sent you an on behalf of @fun.farms

Thank you so much @fun.farms 😎🤩💃🏻💃🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻



My girlfriend broke up with me because I quote Linkin Park too much.
But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.

Credit: reddit

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
(1/6)@fun.farms, I sent you an on behalf of @littlebee4

Great find indeed, Jackie! It's like a modern version of Renaissance ceiling paintings, like my dad's beloved Michaelangelo. Very cool! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Thanks Tydyn, it’s exactly like that..l a modern version of those old paintings. Stunning to see.
Glad I could share it with you.
Have an awesome day 👋🏻😎

Certainly @littlebee4! I'm grateful that you found and shared it, too! Thank you, and ditto! Have a fabulous day! I hope that you're feeling better! 😁🙏💚✨🤙

Thanks Tydyn 😊👋🏻 Much appreciated.
I’m trying to get the fever down. Yesterday and today around 1700h it raises to 39 degrees. So I’m cuddling an ice pack. 🧊🧊🧊🧊 my body is working hard… (so I won’t be here much)
Will be fine soon. Thanks 🙏🏻

Hive and all of your friends will be waiting here for you when you return! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙Of course! Take the time that you need dear @littlebee4!

Thank you, you are kind 🤗😊 have a wonderful day today ☀️🐝🌺

Absolutely! Thank you Jackie! I'm catching up on lots of Hive tasks and then I'm going to go get some physical work done! I hope that your Thursday has been a terrific one! 😁 🙏 💚 ✨ 🤙

Congratulations @littlebee4! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

<table><tr><td><img src="" /><td>You made more than 30000 comments.<br />Your next target is to reach 31000 comments. <p dir="auto"><sub><em>You can view your badges on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">your board and compare yourself to others in the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from" class="external_link">Ranking<br /> <sub><em>If you no longer want to receive notifications, reply to this comment with the word <code>STOP <p dir="auto">To support your work, I also upvoted your post! <p dir="auto"><strong>Check out our last posts: <table><tr><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202301"><img src="" /><td><a href="/hive-122221/@hivebuzz/pud-202301">PUD - PUH - PUM - It's all about Power Up!<tr><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/christmas-2022"><img src="" /><td><a href="/hivebuzz/@hivebuzz/christmas-2022">Christmas Challenge - Offer a gift to your friends<tr><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-feedback"><img src="" /><td><a href="/hive-102201/@hivebuzz/wc2022-feedback">HiveBuzz World Cup Contest - Sponsor Feedback and Feedback Request<tr><td><a href="/hive-139531/@hivebuzz/proposal-2324"><img src="" /><td><a href="/hive-139531/@hivebuzz/proposal-2324">The Hive Gamification Proposal Renewal

Have a wonderful week ☀️🌺🐝Thank you so much @hivebuzz team 👋🏻😊 much appreciated!

You're welcome @littlebee4! Have a nice day too 😊👍

Thanks a lot 😊 will do my best, enjoy yours 😎🌹🐝

Stunningly Beautiful!
Thanks for giving us a l👀k!

Wishing You Well On the Holiday Week!
Make it Magical!

Thank you so much @lesmann 👋🏻😊 happy I can share it.

Thanks… the week isn’t going according to planned. Fell sick again… my weakened immune system doesn’t help. Being out and about. Sigh 😔

You have a wonderful week further and all the best my friend 🍀🎄let’s make it magical.
Take care!


and Thank You again!You are Always Welcome @littlebee4 ,

You know, I sort of thought something like that somehow.. I have also got a sudden return of the "spins" (dizzyness). I hadn't noticed it was gone till it returned....

You take care and get some rest ✨🛌✨🛌✨
I know moving around us actually very stressful - "be sure to take Care"!

Let's make it The Best as it's the last of 2022!
And 2023 will be a new "ball game" for us all!

Make it Magical, Every Day - Every Way!
Positive Energy Thursday (and New Years if I don't see You here)!
Stay Blessed and Stay Safe My Friend!
Till we meet again! 😎
Get Well!

Funny really that you thought that already… and that strangest part is that you got dizzy too… again… can’t explain the connection, but there has to be one… 🤔Thank you so much @lesmann 👋🏻😊

I was really bad for a few days, but I feel I am recovering now. Had to go to the post office today.
Guess what… I finished (struggling for a few days) my residency application 🍀🤞🏻 Now it’s on it’s way… posted about it.
Let’s hope I hear something soon… and I will be fit again next week. As I need to do a lot and start traveling further soon 😉

Hope the dizziness didn’t get worse and you feel better soon. 🤞🏻🍀 take care my friend!
I try to rest as much as I can.
Maybe I’m extra vulnerable right now as so much had been going on for months. Thanks!

And it will be whole different ball game for us and for you! Let’s make the best out of these last days and go fresh into 2023 🎉🎉🍾🥂

Let’s make it magical and have a wonderful positive energy filled weekend!
Happy New Year my friend 🎉🎉🍾🥂🥳🥳
Thank you so much 🙏🏻

Take care, stay safe and blessed.
Bee 🐝 happy 😃
To an amazing New Year… sending you all the best wishes!

Talk soon…
Sad Charlie Brown GIF


Hi @littlebee4, your post has been upvoted by @bdcommunity courtesy of @rem-steem!

Support us by voting as a Hive Witness and/or by delegating HIVE POWER.


Have a wonderful week further ☀️🐝Thank you so much @rem-steem and @bdcommunity for the support 👋🏻😊 much appreciated!

Wow - that looks quite incredible. The amount of detail is impressive - it must have taken ages.
And I'm really looking forward to seeing if you'll find some good street art in Brum while you are there - that could be an interesting challenge for you !!!!

That would be really interesting… so far I had visits to the in-laws and some friends. I know this coming week we will be out and about 😎🤓 will do my best to search for some StreetArt 🎨
Thanks 🙏🏻Thanks @hoosie 👋🏻😊 loved finding this one. So much to see in it. Very cool. Great I could show it to you.


Hello friend @littlebee4, first of all wishing you a Merry Christmas full of blessings.

What a beautiful find you stumbled upon, it is really great, I love every detail and especially the location. Best of luck, beautiful day for you.✨

Greetings and a thousand blessings.

Let me wish you too a Meryy Christmas full of blessings. 🎄🎄🎄🎄Hello my friend @dayadam 👋🏻😊 thank you sooooo much for the wonderful wishes 🙏🏻🥰 much appreciated.

I loved seeing it and I am happy I could share it with you here today. Have a wonderful new day 🤗
Greetings and a big hug 🤗

Great art find! Have a great day!

Thanks Steve 👋🏻😊
Have a great day too 😎

You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(2/10)@mypathtofire! to your account on behalf of @littlebee4.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

That looks crazy but I love it. hehehe...

Have an awesome week 🌺
!LUVThank you so much @rem-steem 👋🏻😊 it was fun looking at it 😎

It's amazing what you can find when you pay attention and look up.
Excellent art. I appreciate you letting us know
Have a nice dayHello dear friend @littlebee4 good day

It is remarkable what one can find looking around and sometime up, like in this case.
It was so cool and colourful. Happy I could share it with you.
Have a nice day too 👋🏻☀️ Thanks a lot!Hello dear friend @jlufer 👋🏻😊 good day to you.

Dear @littlebee4 friend, thanks for brightening our day with this post full of colorful and expressive street art.... Best regards to you!


It was great to observe for a little while. So much to see.
Thank you so much!
Have a wonderful day and a great week ☀️🌺
Greetings and a hug 🤗Dear friend @jlinaresp 😊👋🏻 I’m happy I could share this colourful artwork with you.



I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
littlebee4 tipped jlinaresp (x1)
littlebee4 tipped lesmann (x1)
(3/5) @littlebee4 tipped @fun.farms (x1)

Send $PIZZA tips in Discord via!