Who Is An Overcomer?

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Who Is An Overcomer?

The overcomers are believers who live the normal Christian life. They live the life God has designed for them to live in this age. This also means we have the abnormal Christian life. There are a majority of Christians that live the abnormal Christian life. For one to be an overcomer, that person must live the normal Christian life.

Three Things To Be Overcame To Be An Overcomer

How to know that you are an overcomer is when you successfully overcome three things. They are sin, self, and the world. Anyone who hasn't overcome these three things is not an overcomer. The devil uses these three things against the believers and the church.

When the devil made Adam and Eve eat of the forbidden tree, he brought about separation between them and God—which is death—and this then resulted in the birth of the devil's nature, which is sin, in Adam and Eve. So everyone of us, when given birth, was born of sin by default.

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A newly born child, without being thought good or evil and being left to grow, will automatically tend towards the negative.This is because with every human being there's the nature of Satan that makes man commit sin. We are not sinners by action but by nature.Let's look at what the book of John 1:29 says.

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!

In this passage. John is saying that it is the lamb—which is Jesus—that takes away the "sin" of the world and not the "sins." If it were to be by actions, John's words would've been "the sins of men." But instead he said "sin," because we are not sinners by actions but by birth.

John was referring to the nature that is common among every man when they were born into earth. When one rejects salvation, which provides eternal life, this is what results in condemnation. The sin of Adam is what equated us to sinners as well because we came from him.

Let's look into another scripture. In Romans 5:12

Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people because all sinned.

When Adam sinned, sin entered the world, which brought about death. And the scripture said everyone sinned, including those who weren't even born yet. This means that it is not by actions, because if it were by that, it would be unjust to accuse someone who hasn't done anything yet.

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When a man gives his life to Christ, it deals with this nature of sin in him. This is what qualifies him as an overcomer. This is God's will for all of us: living the life of an overcomer. That's why He sent forth His son—Jesus. And Jesus came and did a permanent work, a work that cannot be shaken till the end of time.


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