Can Evil Spirits Physically Touch Humans?

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Topic Review: Can Evil Spirits Physically Touch Humans?|The Old Path

Bible reading: 1 John 5:18

Happy Sunday, everyone. It is another beautiful day and new week we are graced with. In this video, brother Eli answers a question—a question concerning evil spirits and their ability to touch human beings. He begins with reading a passage in the Bible.

In the Book of 1 John, chapter 5, verse 18, it reads:

We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them.

When you analyze this scripture carefully, you'll find out that it is not referring to one person alone. In the first sentence, you'll find where it says "anyone born of God," and in the second sentence it says "the One who was born of God." The first phrase is talking about a group of people, while the second one is talking about a completely different person.

Now, talking about anyone born of God, that refers to Christians—the children of God, the redeemed. Then it goes further to say the One who "was" born of God. This refers to an already existing personality. And this personality is referred to as Jesus Christ, who is the firstborn of God, and through Him, others were reborn and added into the family of God.

So when the scripture says anyone born of God is kept safe by the One who was born of God, it simply means that we—the children of God—are kept safe by Jesus. That's the explanation of that scripture. However, there's a description for those who are born of God; it says that they don't continue to sin.

A man that is born of God takes after the person of God. If sin can't be found in God, then it shouldn't be found in those who are born of Him. Where there's sin, the presence of God has no business there, and the absence of God gives room for foul spirits.

These spirits can take possession of humans and be functional in them. A body cannot function without the influence of a spirit. Every action or behavior exhibited by a person is the result of a spirit, either a good one or an evil one.

So to answer the question, yes, it is very possible for humans to be possessed or touched by evil spirits. Our bible reading shows the importance of being born of God. We are given the promise of being unharmed by evil. Anyone born of God is untouchable because of our safety in Him.

Thanks for reading. God bless you all. Happy Sunday once again!


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