in MCGI Cares Hive21 hours ago


It was another day in Gods presence, Gods willing that I was able to participate in today's thanksgiving service which God has greatly used his servant brother Daniel razon in making us understand his word.

It was really an amazing moment in Gods presence today as Gods servant dropped a lot of scriptures from Gods word which we must declare and proclaim every day of our life because it will go a long way in building our faith in God. Some of these scriptures were
ROMANS 8:32-37
JOHN 16:33
JOHN 3:16
1 JOHN 1:9
1 JOHN 2:1
1 PETER 5:9.

Now let's explore these Gods word as we were taught by Gods servant let's see the book of JOHN 3:16 we were made to understand that God our father has so much love towards us that is why he gave out his only son to the world so that our sins and transgressions can be wiped out and as many who will believe and keep trusting in him shall be enternally be Gods own.

if only we will be seen as people who will not turn our back in going back to our old ways of path but we are to be seen as people who greatly value the debt which God has use his only beloved son to pay for us.

In all we might be passing through as Gods children let us be seen as people who overcome all our trials and temptation with good cheer having great hope that God will always comes through for us knowing that no temptation or trials which is more than us that God will ever allow to weary us, that God need from us is for us to have the peace of God.

That Peace which man do not give but that comes from God and hopefully hoping upon our creator even as we have Come to understand that our father in heaven in as much as pass through a lot of tribulation before he was lifted above all nations and made the king's of kings and that in his name every name shall kneel and bow to his name as seen according to Gods word in the book of JOHN 16:33


Let us see the book of ROMANS 8:32 We were greatly encouraged by Gods word that we must be seen as people who are strong in faith because when God is standing in the gap for us that we have no fear because we are already at the winning edge that the only thing that is needed from us is for us to keep trusting in God with our all our life.

Verse 35-39 caught my attention mostly where God's word is asking us what can separate us from the peace and love of God, if it is going to be money, hunger ,distress or trouble or wealth of the world or things of the world. We must not be seen as people who things of the world move us easily but we are to be seen as people who are deeply rooted in the things of God so that the things of the world will not easily drive us away from the face of God.

As Gods children let us not be easily move with trials and temptation which may comes to weary us but let us be fully committed to the works and word of God. Let us been seen as people who are dedicated to the word of God always studying it day and night that we might be able to withstand any form of challenges that may try to impose in our way while serving God. And in everything let us always give thanks to God because he has his way of doing things for our own favour.