Prayer meeting on the 4th of January 2022

in MCGI Cares Hive3 years ago (edited)

I want to summarize all I learned

Eph 3 vs 19; The church of God is an instrument to make his gospel known to all men, the Love of Jesus will be mande known in the church,

Our work should be connected to the church, let concentrate on carrying the name of God, everything we will be doing should be done so people can glorify our father in heaven through us

We are the light of the world (mat 5 vs 16), we shouldn't hide behind our identity

Mat 10 vs 22; we will be hated and persecuted, but we should endure, we should be careful so they won't criticize the name of God through us
We should watch how we behave to people

1 Cor 6 vs 7; if anyone should sin against us, let forgive or take wrong, let bear it for one another, we should love one another, by that we will be known as disciples of Christ. All must be done unto love.
Reconcile with one another not in the midst of people not to feel embarrassed (mat 18 vs 15)

1 Cor 13 vs 4; Go to the person that offends you, tell him his offence , if he didn't listen take two people from the church and if still wouldn't listen, consider him out of the body,


Eph 4 vs 4; We are in one spirit and one body, gentiles should be fellow heirs,

Rev 12 vs 10; let seek what is good for one another, our intention should not be to pull a brother down, we should have the same care for one another

Dan12 vs 10; we should hold to the word of God, it is the word of God that makes us wise, cleanse and purify
Even if you do good to wicked people they will still criticize but let the peace of God rule in our heart
We should always be part of the church and never allowed to be removed from the church



1 John 3 vs 15-16; Jesus laid down his life for us, so do we to brethren too, and its not by killing ourselves but helping them sustaining their life, give food, clothes and shelter as long as its in your car
Do all that was commanded by God ( Dan 12 vs 15)
And do not hate your brother, if you do, you already committed a murderer

1 John 3 vs 18; we should love in truth and not in words or tongue, Christ spent his time loving us, so we will spend our time loving our brethren too
The devil won't be able to trouble us because of the Love

Thanks be to God that I've always learn Love in most of MCGI programs and it has really made me great and I've always been practicing love and forgiveness

Thanks be to God

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