Are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit different from each other? (Part 2 of 2)

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Are the Father,the Son, and the Holy Spirit different from each other? Part 2


2 Peter 1:16-18, John 14:28, 1 Corinthians 15:25-28, John 10:29

Thank God for this wonderful teaching that makes the bible more clear to our various understandings as regards the teaching within the above caption, on that note, I will share across as much as I have learned from the various scriptures that were actually used here, hence on that note, I will share my own understanding as regards the teaching brought to us by Brother Eli Soriano.

Therefore, in regards to the teaching that teaches about who is the father, the son, and also the holy spirit, which are regarded as the central of Christian theology, which makes up the trinity we all know today, here in line with the three of them being of different powers but one that have the same mission, below is the difference within the three being starting from God the father, Jesus the Son, and the holy spirit.

The father known to be God is known as the Creator of the entire universe who has the ultimate power that supersedes any others; hence, there is no need for every Christian to believe and trust in the ultimate power that controls everything, which is the power that comes from God, making him the independent being that created the universe and so on.

So therefore, in order to gain from the sovereignty power, which is power from God, there is every need for we, his children, to remain in faith by practicing what our beliefs demand from us as being humble and grateful for all he has done on our behalf, In as much of that, we are main to respect the world from him, trust in him, and practice our faith that retains us with him as our father.

THE SON (Jesus Christ)
Hence Jesus, as the son of God, retains the remark as our redeemer who was actually sent here on earth in order to save us from perishing, which is the main reason why Jesus came from heaven, where his father was, to earth just to save our souls, due to the love that God has for us that teaches us that we ought to spread such love to others, hence within the reach of this teaching, taught us about love, mercy, and as much as selflessness, which encourage and as well lead kindness and empathy.

THE Holy Spirit (Guildlians)

The holy spirit is main to be our comforter, which is after guiding and leading us, hence as it implies, the holy spirit is main to dwell within as a believer who believes in God the creator and Jesus as our savior who was sent to save our soul, and through this spirit, empowers us over living in accordance with God's will, which every Christian has to do in order to remain in a good relationship with our father.

Therefore we are main to understand that spiritual strength is what actually leads the physical, the holy spirit which is main to rest upon us just to guild us, and in such a case the moral lesson is that we are main to righteous just be my remaining within our moral integrity while we grow spiritually, and hence with all this we grow within our wisdom and more courage.

Therefore, within the caption of this teaching, let us understand that the father is God, the son is Jesus, and the Holy Spirit makes it up as the trinity that leads and guilds every believer, and in that order, they are all different with their power, and the ultimate is God the Father.

Through this teaching, advocate for trust and humility, where every believer is main to have their trust within the divine providence, which has to be under the sumision of being humble, and in line with the son of God, for what he has done to shows love, and that is the reason we have to remain compassionate, and on the other hand, there is a need for being in accordance with integrity, which focuses more on the need for us to seek guidance that is spiritual hence, the trinity is main to retaining us in our faith in God, who is our father.

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This lesson reveals a great truth to us