Strengthening Our Support and Engagement in the MCGI Cares Community

in MCGI Cares Hive10 months ago


Dear MCGI Cares Community on Hive,

I trust this letter finds you all in good spirits and thriving in your respective journeys on our platform. It is with great enthusiasm that I reach out to address our collective efforts in fostering a supportive and engaging community, especially for our new members.

We are wholly committed to ensuring that every individual within our fold receives the encouragement and support they need. To this end, we are prioritizing our votes for those who have recently joined us. This gesture is a token of our warm welcome and a reflection of our community's values, where each member's growth and participation are celebrated and nurtured.

However, support is not just about votes; it's about creating meaningful interactions and building relationships. Therefore, I urge each one of us to not only remain active in posting our content but also to step out of our comfort zones and engage with others. Visit the posts of your fellow members, leave comments that add value, and provide feedback that sparks conversations. These engagements go a long way in enriching our community experience and amplifying the very essence of the MCGI Cares ethos.

Moreover, our Zoom meetings are a crucial point of convergence for our community. They are an opportunity for us to connect, learn, and grow together. As we continue to meet in this virtual space, I cannot stress enough the importance of staying focused and present. I implore everyone to adhere to our meeting rules, minimize distractions, and be fully engaged during our sessions. This discipline ensures that we all reap the maximum benefits from our time together and that our meetings are as productive and enriching as they can be.

In conclusion, let us move forward with a renewed commitment to these ideals. Let's support our new members with vigor, engage with each other's content actively, and uphold the decorum of our Zoom meetings. Together, we will build a community that not only cares but also thrives on the principles of mutual respect and active participation.

Thank you for your attention and for the invaluable contributions each of you brings to our community. Let's continue to support and uplift one another. May God bless us.

Warm regards,

Your community curator
MCGI Cares Community on Hive@hiro-hive,

Image Source From Pixabay

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


Supporting new members gives them the assurance that they are in right place and are fully welcome. Engaging in other people post makes they want to give their best. Good development.

Yes, we are doing our part for a better retention on our community.

That's a good one Sir, it'll be more encouraging if members of the community engage with each other as this will boost engagement with community members than just dropping posts with no reaction. It's been a while Sir, God bless MCGI 🙏

Yes, engagements is gold on our community

I appreciate the support of the MCGI Cares. Supporting new members is ideal but I also suggest that old and active members should not be abandoned in voting. The curation also strengthens our commitment.

This is good. This would foster more interaction in the community and also bind members. Thanks for this. More power to your elbow.

This very true, I will really work on interacting with other post in this community. Thanks so much brother for notifying us on this

gracias, por el apoyo que brindan al contenido de cada usuario es de gran bendicion y pues mejorar cada dia muy importante el interactuar con otros usuarios y adquiri buenos conocimiento sobre la doctrina de Jesus saludos y bendiciones.

You are very correct brother

I'm new on Hive. Hoping to join and converge with the intention of worshipping and meeting with you all. This is my WhatsApp number +2348091777409. Please I need your guidance and support

Hi Sir! Supporting and helping to improve the new members is a really good idea and glorifies God. Helping others is like what I published here a while ago in this community and I believe that helping others is helping ourselves too. God bless us all in Jesus's name... Amen!😇

Is such a nice review which we must take conscious of it

Since the first day I joined this platform, I don't know what the language "Encouragement" means. Thank you for this post, MCGI is very different from other communities here

This is very nice it shows a sense of belonging to the new members and also help them participate fully in every activities

This is indeed renewing thanks @hiro-hive for these , I truly think it is very important we be on the look out for those new bees and have them engage too on the community posts from others

Apart from the rewards sincerely speaking I’ve always enjoy the good stuffs I read here

Thanks again for this reminder

This is really nice and I hope to meet other brethren very soon. To hear and fellowship with them.

A good community supports its own in every way. This is a good reminder