How to deal with problems calmly. MCGI - TOPIC - REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive6 days ago

Hello everyone, it's really pathetic how the world has evolved into a chaotic place to be.
Most times am caught up wondering if it's really possible to live in peace with people around us .

Just like Bro Eli stated" The word peace is the ability to stay calm"
and I would say, the best definition of peace is calmness.

Would you want to have all round peace?
Yes it's something anyone would wish for that's why am inviting you to listen to this awesome message how we can have peace.

In this great message, Jesus Christ had already known and he told us in his word that there's tribulation in the world that's why we are often faced with sorrows, pains, heartbreak, problems etc.

But here is the good news which we all need.
Jesus Christ has overcome the world.

John 16:33 "These things i have spoken unto you that in me, ye might have peace.In the world he shall have tribulations but be of good cheer,I have overcome the world.

The message above is the master key to be in peace,the world is full of problems.
Running to Jesus Christ and staying in him is the only rightful place we can find our peace.

It's of great important that we believe in him because he was a man who had faced many problems in life yet still he was able to stay in peace during his stay on earth.
This shows that he knows the way to peace for he is the TRUTH


It is highly necessary that we know how to deals with problems when it comes because it is not avoidable

We can calmly trust God in the face of any trouble