Why is that?
Isn't it still too close to the Sun?
Indeed, it is.
But its atmosphere is so thin that it can't retain the heat.
Lack of atmosphere also means that when you looked up the sky during the day from the surface of Mercury, you wouldn't see anything but a white sun in the pitch black sky. And that white sun would appear three times larger than our Sun. The night, on the other hand, promises the most impressive spectacle thanks to solar winds.
But what do I mean with "day" and "night"?
A day on Mercury is very long. Mercury takes 59 Earth days to make one full rotation. A year, on the other hand, goes fast. It took Mercury only 88 days to revolve around the sun.
This post might be becoming a bit too technical for your taste, so let me come to the point: One Mercury solar day equals 176 Earth days - just over two years on Mercury. So if we lived on Mercury, we would celebrate two birthdays and get two years older in just one day and we could be living in eternal sunrise by walking to the east.
And living on Mercury is not as impossible as you might think.
It is thought that there is water ice inside deep craters at its poles and its thin atmosphere contains oxygen! It may be the most habitable planet in our solar system besides Earth. But the most interesting thing about Mercury is not its habitability, its day and night temperature difference or its exceptionally long days, but the Sun's motion in its sky. If you were at the right place at the right time on Mercury, you would see the Sun stops at some point, then begins going backward, sets and then rises again.
What's Mercury's deal? Who knows? But it has a great deal of eccentricities!
Pero, que quiero decir con "durante el día"?
Oh, un día solar es muy largo en esta planeta.
Es igual a un año de Mercurio.
Y una noche es igual a otro año.
Si duermen en Mercurio durante la noche, se levantan un año más viejo.
Pero nadie puede dormir durante la noche porque un año de Mercurio es igual a 88 días de la Tierra.
Entonces si dan una vuelta al este, ?el sol nunca se pone?
¡Claro que sí!
Qué tipo de planeta es?
¡Muy interesante!
Más interesante que puedo explicar en español.
It took me days to write this post, but I did it. Lo pasé bien, pero nunca voy a hacer algo así. I'll choose less challenging topics in future😁
3.5 - 3.6 vocabulario
*está cerca de - lejos de
*tener calor - tener frío (no pude usar)
*hace calor / sol / frío
*dar una vuelta
*pasarlo bien
*a la derecha (no pude usar)
*a la izquierda (no pude usar)
*al este
***Corrections in both languages would be welcome and most appreciated.
mükemmel ! OMG it's been years since I say something in Turkish!!!
¿Por qué estás aprendienda español?
¡Vaya, hablas turco! Increíble.
I study Spanish because I like the sound of it. And its pronunciation is easier than English. And its grammar is similar to both English and Turkish...
The main reason is that I've recently stopped smoking and I have a lot of times on my hands😃
İngilizce ve İspanyolca hazırlanmış bu metne tükçe yorum yazmanın haklı gururunu yaşıyorum. Daha dün gibiydi İspanyolca'ya başlaman. Nasıl da büyüdün bir anda... Hiç fark etmedim. Hep o ilk kelimelerini öğrenen ecotone olacağını sandım. Parlayan, gururlu gözlerle devamını bekliyorum :)
Haha. Niye babam gibi yazdın ki? Foto etkiliyor tabii:) Bir ağırlık geliyor üzerine.
Fakat bayağı geliştirdim gerçekten. Şu sıralar tek eğlencem bu.
Bir kompozisyonu olsun istedim :) Başka eğlence bulsan da bırakma bunu gerçekten tebrikler :)
Bir noktada çok zorlaşacak.
O zamana kadar geyik çevirecek kadar bir şeyler kapıp takılayım diyorum.