My T-Shirt Collection - @Maitt87

in Hive Collectors2 months ago

Greetings dear friends of this beautiful community! July has arrived and with it a new opportunity to show those little treasures we have at home. This month, it's the turn of shirts. I must confess that, as I live in a tropical country, this garment is the one I wear the most and, therefore, I have a great variety of them. Thanks to @mipiano for the opportunity to show them.

¡Saludos queridos amigos de esta linda comunidad! Ha llegado julio y con él una nueva oportunidad de mostrar esos pequeños tesoros que tenemos en casa. Este mes, es el turno de las camisas. Debo confesar que, como vivo en un país tropical, esta prenda es la que más utilizo y, por tanto, tengo una gran variedad de ellas. Gracias a @mipiano por la oportunidad de mostrarlas.

I want to start with the Vinotinto shirt, because the Copa America has just ended and the soccer fever in our country is still at its peak. As we say here, we have the “altered faith” and the dream of finally being able to go to the World Cup. This shirt is from around the year 2000, when the national team wore the Atlética brand.

Quiero comenzar con la camisa de la Vinotinto, porque acaba de terminar la Copa América y la fiebre por el fútbol en nuestro país sigue a tope. Como decimos aquí, tenemos la "fe alterada" y el sueño de poder ir finalmente al mundial. Esta camisa es de aproximadamente el año 2000, cuando la selección vestía con la marca Atlética.

Continuing with the memories, I bring you these three shirts that I still have left from my trips some years ago: Argentina, Panama and Uruguay. Although other shirts from my travels I wore so much that they are no longer fit to show them in a post, these are still in good condition.

Siguiendo con los recuerdos, les traigo estas tres camisas que aún me quedan de mis viajes hace algunos años: Argentina, Panamá y Uruguay. Aunque otras camisas de mis viajes las usé tanto que ya no están en condiciones de mostrarlas en un post, estas aún se mantienen en buen estado.

Currently, I work as a community manager for a minor soccer school and, consequently, I have many shirts from that school, besides because I also played in the women's free category. As a curious fact, all the shirts you are about to see were designed by me.

Actualmente, trabajo como community manager para una escuela de fútbol menor y, por consiguiente, tengo muchas camisas de esa escuela, además de porque también jugué en la categoría libre femenino. Como dato curioso, todas las camisas que van a ver fueron diseñadas por mí.

I also work as a community manager for my brother's mechanic shop and, just like at the soccer school, I also have this shirt that I designed.

También trabajo como community manager para el taller mecánico de mi hermano y, al igual que en la escuela de fútbol, también tengo esta camisa que yo diseñé.

The next one I want to show you is from a foundation of some friends of mine. The foundation is called Dona Amor, and they are in charge of collecting food to take to those people who are in a street situation. I have helped them on several occasions with some flyers and, therefore, they wanted to repay me for my work by giving me this garment that I treasure with great affection.

La siguiente que quiero mostrarles es de una fundación de unos amigos míos. La fundación se llama Dona Amor, y ellos se encargan de reunir comida para llevar a aquellas personas que se encuentran en situación de calle. Yo les he ayudado en varias oportunidades con algunos flyers y, por tanto, ellos quisieron retribuirme el trabajo regalándome esta prenda que atesoro con muchísimo cariño.

Of course, I can't stop showing off my beautiful Hive shirts, which have been a gift from my friend @daniel2001 and the Sound Music community. The truth is that I love them because they allow me to take Hive everywhere.

Por supuesto, no puedo dejar de mostrar mis hermosas camisas de Hive, que han sido un regalo de mi amigo @daniel2001 y de la comunidad Sound Music. La verdad es que me encantan porque me permiten llevar a Hive a todos lados.

The next two I want to show you were made recently. The first one is from my favorite TV series, Friends. I've always been a fan of this series and hadn't gotten any of their merchandise, so I got to work and created it myself. The other one is from a US soccer team I follow. From Venezuela, it's a little difficult for me to get their official merchandise, so I went back to Photoshop to create it. What I like the most is that the fabric is quite cool, which makes them the ideal choice for any moment.

Las dos siguientes que quiero mostrarles las mandé a hacer hace poco. La primera es de mi serie favorita de TV, Friends. Siempre he sido una fanática de esta serie y no había conseguido nada de su mercancía, así que me puse manos a la obra y la creé yo misma. La otra es de un equipo de fútbol de Estados Unidos al que sigo. Desde Venezuela, se me dificulta un poco conseguir su mercancía oficial, así que nuevamente me puse en Photoshop a crearla. Lo que más me gusta es que la tela es bastante fresca, lo que las hace la opción ideal para cualquier momento.

The last ones I want to show you are my shirts for a more formal occasion, but without leaving aside the comfort and freshness that they offer me. I love them and I sincerely hope they last me a long time.

Las últimas que quiero mostrarles son mis camisas para una ocasión un poquito más formal, pero sin dejar de lado la comodidad y la frescura que ellas me ofrecen. Las amo y espero sinceramente que me duren muchísimo.

So much for this small collection. Now I want to read them to you, what do you think? I'll be reading them in the comments.

Hasta aquí esta pequeña colección. Ahora quiero leerlos a ustedes, ¿qué les parecen? Los estaré leyendo en los comentarios.

Resources Used
Camera: Tecno Spark Pro 10
Translator: Deepl
All images are my property


Mrs soccer school community manager, you have a great variety of t-shirts, I really like those for the more formal occasions, but my favourites from your collection are the Hive t-shirts 😊✨

I agree with you dear friend, those Hive shirts are really beautiful and as I said in the post, they allow me to wear our Blockchain everywhere. I also really appreciate those that I designed myself.

The truth is that flannels are very practical and versatile, which makes them a very comfortable garment to wear.

That is correct and I would dare to say that in our country they are the most used garment. I have a lot of them and I wear them too much.

That's a very nice selection of T-shirts you have, and I love how resourceful you are in designing your own T-shirts.

Design is something that I am very passionate about and doing this also entertains me. I have done it for myself and for other people and it is great that this time I was able to share my collection with all of you.


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El equipo de curación del PROYECTO ENTROPÍA

I like the fact that you design your t-shirts that makes you free to make them the way you want and it happens that sometimes we can't find the perfect one according to our taste.
My favorite has been the Friends one!

Amiga @maitt87 que hermosas todas tus franelas, las que tú misma diseñaste, me gustan más, eres muy creativa.

Esta colección está llena de pasión, viajes, recuerdos y amor donde hive no podía faltar.

Amiga @maitt87, how beautiful all your flannels, the ones you designed yourself, I like the most, you are very creative.

This collection is full of passion, travels, memories and love where hive could not miss.