Como les he comentado anteriormente, la lectura es una de mis pasiones, un buen libro, lo considero uno de los mejores descubrimientos que alguien pueda tener, por eso, hace 2 años, decidi presentarles mis primeras 4 recomendaciones de libros que consideré perfectos para iniciar en la lectura, para salir de un bloqueo o para distraernos de lo dificil que puede ser la vida a veces. Asi que el dia de hoy, decidi retomar esta idea y presentarles nuevamente 4 libros, que considero que cualquiera deberia leer, realmente todos movieron algo en mi, asi que espero que tengan la oportunidad de leerlos y disfrutarlos tanto como yo.
As I have told you before, reading is one of my passions, a good book, I consider it one of the best discoveries that someone can have, that's why, 2 years ago, I decided to present you my first 4 recommendations of books that I considered perfect to start reading, to get out of a block or to distract us from how difficult life can be sometimes. So today, I decided to take up this idea and present you again 4 books that I think anyone should read, they all really moved something in me, so I hope you have the opportunity to read them and enjoy them as much as I did.
Realmente estas recomendaciones serian sinceras si no comienzo con mi libro favorito? Los 7 maridos de Evelyn Hugo por Taylor Jenkins, es sin lugar a dudas la mejor novela que he leido hasta ahora; quien difiera de ese pensamiento, esta en todo su derecho; pero particularmente para mí esta historia es preciosa, con una trama interesante y plot twist increible. Una pequeña joya que encontré gracias a una amiga de la universidad y que fue tan bueno, que tarde mucho tiempo en volver a leer, porque sabia que no encontraria un libro asi. Literalmente le guardé luto.
La novela nos cuenta la historia de Evelyn, una estrella del cine muy a lo Marilyn Monroe, quien en su vejez decidio dar una entrevista contando toda su vida, para esto, hay que tener en cuenta que desde el principio te aclaran que todos los personajes murieron y solo queda Evelyn, pero aun asi te dejas llevar, absorber por la historia de esta flamante mujer y te das cuenta de que a pesar de que sus 7 maridos son todo lo que la gente comenta de ella... La cantidad de veces que se casó es lo mas aburrido que ella tiene para ofrecernos
Would these recommendations really be sincere if I didn't start with my favorite book? The 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins, is without a doubt the best novel I've read so far; whoever differs from that thought, has every right; but particularly for me this story is beautiful, with an interesting plot and incredible plot twist. A little gem that I found thanks to a friend from college and it was so good, that it took me a long time to read it again, because I knew I wouldn't find a book like it. I literally mourned it. The novel tells the story of Evelyn, a movie star very much like Marilyn Monroe, who in her old age decided to give an interview telling her whole life, for this, you have to take into account that from the beginning they clarify that all the characters died and only Evelyn remains, but even so you get carried away, absorbed by the story of this brand new woman and you realize that even though her 7 husbands are all that people comment about her.... The amount of times she's been married is the most boring thing she has to offer us.
Para mí, verity fue el libro con el que sali del luto de Evelyn Hugo, y fue lo mejor que pudo enviarme la suerte.
Es muy bueno: Una historia interesante, rodeada de un monton de misterios y una incognita final, que te deja tan confundido que no sabes si todo lo que pasó estoy bien o mal, no sabes literalmente como sentirte al respecto, o asi quedé yo.
En fin, este libro nos cuenta la historia de Lowen, una escritora a quien decidieron contratar para finalizar con una saga de libros perteneciente a la famosa escritora Verity. Solo puedo decirles que la forma en la que fue redactado este libro es increible, puedes pasar de odiar a amar a Verity en cuestion de parrafos, hasta llegas a tener lastima, tengo una parte de mi que creo que se enamoró un poco de ella, porque es oro, es demasiado inteligente, eso la hace increible, tambien la hace retorcida. Al final la unica persona que sabe la vierdad es ella misma, o en caso tal, su autora.
That these two books are one below the other is totally intentional, as Verity is my 2nd favorite book, for two reasons: 1. for me, verity was the book I came out of Evelyn Hugo's mourning with, and it was the best thing luck could send me. 2. It's very good: An interesting story, surrounded by a lot of mysteries and a final incognita, that leaves you so confused that you don't know if everything that happened is right or wrong, you literally don't know how to feel about it, or that's how I felt. Anyway, this book tells the story of Lowen, a writer who they decided to hire to finish a saga of books belonging to the famous writer Verity. I can only tell you that the way this book was written is incredible, you can go from hating to loving Verity in a matter of paragraphs, you even feel sorry for her, I have a part of me that I think fell in love with her a little bit, because she is gold, she is too smart, that makes her incredible, it also makes her twisted. In the end the only person who knows the truth is herself, or if so, her author.
To lower the intensity of this post a little, I present my favorite author, Megan Maxwell, with one of the books that most show her essence, where eroticism is a hallmark and the character of her women is the greatest attraction. From where the plain is dominated is a very fresh book, full of romance (something I'm a fan of) that tells the story of Niall and Gillian, two lovers, who had to separate for life issues, all I can tell you is that Niall had to leave without any explanation: Niall had to leave without any explanation, leaving Gillian with a broken heart and full of resentment. Time passes and when he returns, he finds Gillian who "hates" him deeply for having abandoned her. Interesting facts about this story is that it takes place in the middle ages so you can imagine how it goes. I really like this story because it shows that no matter the era, there were women full of character in spite of their limiting situation. So I highly recommend it if you like love, period novels and obviously strong women who are not easily intimidated.
A Court of Mist and Fury is the second installment of the Acotar saga and one of the books I enjoyed the most. It picks up the story where the previous part ended (I will try to make as few spoilers as possible). So we have a Feyre who survived under the mountain, but still has after-effects of what she lived there, so her beloved Tamlin decides that the best thing to do is to isolate her as much as possible, basically turning her into a rapunzel locked in a tower. That's where Rhysand (obviously my crush) shows up to take her with him to the Night court. Want to know how he takes her? Why does he take her? You'll have to read the book to find out. I can only tell you that Feyre's character growth is so great that I adore her as the main character. I hope soon to be able to give you a more extensive review of this story. But seriously, 100% recommended the whole saga if you like fantasy, magic, love and bad guys that in the end are not as bad as we think. Everything in this saga has a reason to be and it's beautiful once you discover it.
Estas fueron mis pequeñas reseñas de libros, de verdad espero haber despertado tu curiosidad con al menos uno de ellos. De verdad son bastante ligeros, entretenidos y con tematica surtida, el unico punto que todos comparten es el amor, y sinceramente eso es un gusto que no creo perderle a la literatura, pues para mi las historias de amor siempre son algo que merece ser leido. Por otro lado, si ya leiste alguno de los libros que mencioné espero que me dejes tu comentario diciendome que te parecio, y si consideras que conoces alguno que pueda gustarme, tambien espero tu recomendacion ahi. Si llegaste hasta aqui:
These were my little book reviews, I really hope I have aroused your curiosity with at least one of them. They are really quite light, entertaining and with assorted themes, the only point they all share is love, and sincerely that is a taste that I don't think I lose to literature, because for me love stories are always something that deserves to be read. On the other hand, if you have already read any of the books I mentioned I hope you leave me your comment telling me what you thought, and if you think you know any that I might like, I also expect your recommendation there. If you made it this far:
Gracias por leerme y hasta un próximo post
Thanks for reading and see you in a future post
Traducción: Deepl // Traslation: Deepl
In our life as readers or devourers of books, we fall in love with so many that it seems that they are all our favorites, right? hahaha.
Thanks for your reading recommendations.
Hola! Totalmente de acuerdo. Siento que cada libro te deja una enseñanza, en mi caso los que mencioné hoy, me marcaron fuertemente, por eso parece que todos son mis favoritos🤭
Gracias por tu comentario ❤️
Por nada, es bonito eso que haces de compartir tus lecturas. 🐝