Shanghai Park. Confucius, A millenary culture [en/es]

in Architecture+Design2 months ago (edited)

Greetings to all my friends of Arquitectura + Diseño, I come to this community every time I walk through the streets of my city and I come across some design or architectural detail that catches my attention.

On this occasion, my find was in the heart of Havana's Chinatown. This neighborhood was one of the largest Chinese settlements in Latin America, I have talked about it in other posts. Chinese culture has left its traces in Cuba, and the few remaining descendants continue to work hard to keep their roots and history alive.

I was coming on the motorcycle with my son to do some paperwork at the Civil Registry and as we headed towards Zanja Street I realized that we were going to pass through Chinatown, so when we were getting closer I asked my son to go slower, but at the same time Arriving at the grand entrance of this neighborhood he stopped so he could take this photo. I like to admire all the cultural heritage that we Cubans from different latitudes have.

Un saludo para todos mis amigos de Arquitectura + Diseño, vengo a esta comunidad cada vez que camino por las calles de mi ciudad y me encuentro con algún diseño o detalle arquitectónico que me llama la atención.
En esta ocasión, mi hallazgo fue en el corazón del Barrio Chino de La Habana. Este barrio fue uno de los asentamientos más grandes de chinos en toda Latinoamérica, he hablado de ello en otros posts. La cultura china ha dejado sus huellas en Cuba, y los pocos descendientes que aún quedan continúan un arduo trabajo por mantener vivas sus raíces e historia.
Venía en la motocicleta con mi hijo de hacer unas gestiones en el Registro Civil y al tomar rumbo a la calle Zanja me percaté que pasariamos por el Barrio Chino, asi que cuando nos ibamos acercando le pedí a mi hijo que fuera más despacio , pero al llegar a la gran entrada de este barrio se detuvo para que pudiera tomar esta foto. Me gusta admirar todo el acervo cultural con el que contamos los cubanos provenientes de diferentes latitudes.

I continued along Zanja street and between Campanario and Manrique streets we stopped again. My mom, who practices TaiChi, had told me that there was a park in this place called Shanghai, where older people practice Qigong and TaiChi, when the sun goes down and it is cooler. Both are traditional Chinese exercises. She had been there once and had been struck by the large statue in the center, so I wanted to satisfy my curiosity.

It is an elongated park, so I had to photograph it in two parts. I was very struck by the fact that on the right side there are elements of Chinese culture. The vegetation is bamboo and on the back wall there is the symbol of Yin Yang, the representation of energies that oppose but at the same time complement each other and the statue of Confucius. But if you look to the left side, you can see the benches, the space where exercises are practiced and a leafy Flamboyant, very typical in almost all Cuban parks. As you can see this park represents the union of both cultures.

Seguí por la calle Zanja y entre las calles Campanario y Manrique nos volvimos a detener. Mi mamá, que practica TaiChi, me había comentado que existía un parque en este lugar llamado Shanghai, donde personas mayores practican Qigong y TaiChi, cuando baja el sol y hace más fresco. Ambos son ejercicios tradicionales chinos. Ella había asistido en una ocasión y le había llamado la atención la gran estatua que se encuentra en el centro, así que quise satisfacer mi curiosidad.
Es un parque alargado, por eso tuve que fotografiarlo en dos partes. Me llamó mucho la atención que en la parte derecha están presentes elementos de la cultura china. La vegetación es bambú y en la pared de fondo está el símbolo del Yin Yang, la representacion de energias que se contraponen pero a la vez se complementan y la estatua de Confucio. Pero si miras hacia el lado izquierdo, se observan los bancos , el espacio donde se practican los ejericios y un frondoso Flamboyán, muy típico en casi todos los parques cubanos. Como ven este parque representa la unión de ambas culturas.

The park is surrounded by a wall about one meter high. On the outside, two large benches have been placed so that walkers can rest without having to enter the park. The park is accessed through a gate. At the entrance, there are beautiful lilac-colored bell-shaped flowers.

El parque está rodeado por un muro de aproximadamente un metro de alto. En la parte de afuera, se han colocado dos grandes bancos para que los caminantes puedan descansar sin necesidad de adentrarse en él. Se accede al parque a través de una reja. En la entrada, hay unas hermosas flores acampanadas de color lila.

In the center we find the great statue of the famous Chinese thinker, Confucius. One of his merits was founding a school where everyone could attend, regardless of caste or nobility, as well as propagating good conduct in life. The statue is placed on a large wide stone base, which exceeds the height of an average person, thus highlighting the legacy left by this great thinker of relevant ideas and doctrines.

Al centro nos encuentramos con la gran estatua del celebre pensador chino, Confucio. Uno de sus méritos fue fundar una escuela donde todos podían asistir, sin importar su casta o nobleza, además de propagar la buena conducta ante la vida. La estatua está colocada sobre una gran base ancha de piedra, que sobrepasa la altura de una persona promedio, resaltando así el legado dejado por este gran pensador de ideas y doctrinas relevantes.

This base has two plaques. On one is detailed by whom it was donated to Cuba, and on the other are some of his prayers and thoughts.

Esta base tiene dos tarjas. En una se detalla por quien fue donada a Cuba, y en la otra se encuentran algunas de sus oraciones y pensamientos.

The statue is metallic and shows a great work in which every feature and detail of the famous thinker is clearly reflected. He holds his right hand with the index finger upwards and a serene expression on his face, while in his left hand he holds a sheet of paper. The artist who created the work took into account the details of his clothes, defining everything with precision, from the wide sleeves, to the laces and folds of his clothes. I was impressed by her realism.

La estatua es metálica y muestra un gran trabajo en el que se reflejan claramente todos los rasgos y detalles del famoso pensador. Tiene la mano derecha con el dedo índice hacia arriba y una expresión serena en el rostro, mientras que en la izquierda sostiene una hoja de papel. El artista que creó la obra tuvo en cuenta los detalles de su vestimenta, definiéndolo todo con precisión, desde las amplias mangas, hasta los encajes y pliegues de su ropa. Me impresionó su realismo.

I really liked the work done was meticulously worked, although none of the tiles, at least in the Spanish language, detailed the name of its creator.
Here I leave you these photos of this park in Chinatown, where they always work to not let time erase from the city the traces of this ancient culture, see you 👋🏽👋🏽

Me gustó mucho el trabajo realizado fue meticulosamente trabajada, aunque en ninguna de las tarjas, al menos en el idioma español, se detallaba el nombre de su creador.
Aquí les dejo estas fotos de este parque en el Barrio Chino, donde siempre se trabaja para no dejar que el tiempo borre de la ciudad las huellas de esta cultura milenaria , nos vemos 👋🏽👋🏽

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono Xiaomi Note 11, unidas y recreadas en canva.
Usé Traductor DeepL

The photos were taken with my Xiaomi Note 11 phone, joined and recreated in canva.
I use Translator DeepL

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Wow hermana @lileisabel , solo conocía el arco a la entrada del barrio chino, pero desconocía la existencia del parque, es hermoso gracias por mostrarmelo. Feliz día 🌹🌷🌸💐🌻🌼💮🥀🌺☘️

Wow sister @lileisabel , I only knew the arch at the entrance of Chinatown, but I was unaware of the existence of the park, it's beautiful thank you for showing it to me. Happy day 🌹🌷🌸💐🌻🌼💮🥀🌺☘️

Bueno si mami no me lo hubiera dicho no me hubiera dado cuenta, está ahí desde el 2012 y esa estatua es tan grande y alta, no sé por qué no la había visto, que tengas una linda semana 😘👋 🏽

Well, if mommy didn't tell me, I wouldn't have noticed, it's been there since 2012 and that statue is so big and tall, I don't know why I hadn't seen it, have a nice week 😘👋🏽

Son duda la cultura China está presente en diferentes países, como muestras en Cuba, con sus estructuras para destacar su huellas, tienes una detalle en la palabra acercándose, saludos.

Muchas gracias por pasar y por la corrección @cetb2008, ya ha sido rectificado. Es tal como dices, la cultura china ha estado muy presente en occidente, un saludo, recuerda traducir tu texto. Saludos 👋🏽❤️

Thank you very much for stopping by and for the correction @cetb2008, it has now been rectified. It is just as you say, Chinese culture has been very present in the West, greetings, remember to translate your text. Greetings 👋🏽❤️


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Wow!... A very interesting place and unexpected (at least for me) to see in cuba!... Great article! @lileisabel friend!

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Oh @lileisabel it is very interesting the history of this park and its statue, very nice the photos you show us. Have a nice day🌼💐🌻🤗

Si querida , es uno de esos lugares que pasan inadvertidos y no sabemos que guardar parte de lo que hemos asqueroso de la cultura china 👍🏽

Yes friend, it is one of those places that go unnoticed and we don't know what they have part of what Chinese culture has left us 👍🏽

I didn't know this place, I really enjoyed reading your article and getting to know this place through it. It is appreciated that it is a very quiet place, and the best thing it has is this statue that makes it unique.
Excellent publication.

Yo tampoco lo conocía amiga , hace algún tiempo no tomaba por esa calle que muchos años atrás recorría a diario , por eso cuando lo ví , al momento me estuve y me sumergí en él

I didn't know him either, friend, some time ago I didn't take that street that many years ago I used to walk daily, that's why when I saw him, I immediately stopped and immersed myself in him.

I've been there and I've never been so close to Confucius like now. So thanks and it's great that your mom practices TaiChi. The sculpture is really beautiful and with great detail.

I found this:

Heirs of a millenary tradition, the inhabitants of Havana's Chinatown now have a statue of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who is one of the most influential thinkers in Asian philosophy. Made of bronze, the statue was officially unveiled by Tong Yun Kai, president of the World Academy named after the wise man; Zhang Tuo, ambassador of the People's Republic of China in Cuba, and Eusebio Leal Spengler, Historian of the City of Havana.

It was in 2012 and this was published in Opus Habana.

Ay si querida ví la noticia , y comprendo porque no lo había visto porque hasta el año 2011 pasaba a diario por ahí , hasta que cambié de trabajo y casi nunca tomo esa arteria. Por eso nada más lo ví entré en él.

Oh yes, dear, I saw the news, and I understand why I had not seen it because until 2011 I passed by there every day, until I changed jobs and I almost never used that artery. That's why I just saw it and entered it.

it feels very calming to sit on a bench surrounded by flowers. and the award statue is a great work in my opinion

That's right, it's a very good job, worthy of admiration and a small, quiet park.

Greetings dear friend, the Chinese culture has presence in many countries of America; the house looks simple but keeps valuable treasures, thanks for sharing .

Happy Tuesday!

 2 months ago  

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Thank you @aplusd for always valuing the work done. I feel very happy with it 😍

 2 months ago  

It is always an immense delight to serve you dear @lileisabel. Keep up the awesome A+D projects! 😀