Well, I'm not quite sure why, but I LOST 1.8 lbs this week.. NOT what I want to do, but oh well.. that's how it goes I guess. :P
It's much like the markets in that the number rarely moves in only one direction. It moves like a lightning bolt.. Up and Down.
Plus, the closer to your ideal weight you get.. the more hard it is to lose or gain the weight you'd like. I guess things are on track.
I even felt very full each day of the week Maybe it was when I skipped taking the weight gainer. I don't know. ☺️😎🤙
In other news, I am just tryin to be patient and wait for my flight on March 11. I am about 90% packed (at least in my head) and even already secured a ride from my dad.
I am excited to go and truth be told.. I would hop on the plane with just my backpack with my laptop (and probably my desktop which is a small square.. even smaller that most books). It would be cool to start from almost zero and just get the things I truly need.. like a reset. :)
Are you talking about your trip to the PH? Sometimes when it comes to trips like these, yourself is really all you need. 🫶
yup! 👊😎🤙
yes. my trip to ph.. it's gonna be quite the adventure!! :)