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I have dramatically reduced the sugar I eat, no more sugar in coffee and no more cereal. I'm also eating more from the garden, foraging for mushrooms and berries, and hunting and fishing. I'm not getting younger, but I'm healthier.
Yeah, I've had to modify my intake, as well.
I fry things in manteca now.
The garden did ok this year.
I ate all the peas when I picked them, except the ones I saved for seeds.
I got enough onions for most of the year, and a few bell peppers.
The beans are still working, but at least they started making, I was worried.
The corn barely made enough for next year's seeds.
If we look at 60s or 70s videos, we will see how fit the people were at that time.
And perhaps most serious of all opted for non-organic food over organic produce.