Do You Ever Get Tired of Living?

My rent expires in two months, and it feels like just yesterday that I moved into this house. My finances have not improved, and I have accumulated more medical bills, financial obligations, and economic commitments. Humans are born to pay taxes; whether you pay it directly or indirectly, you are responsible for coughing out a set amount of money simply because you use a phone, take public transportation, pay for goods and services, and have other living expenses.

Do you understand why it is called living expenses? Because they are the bills that you must pay in order to live a more comfortable and convenient life.

So, do you ever get tired of living?

Not in the literal sense of being alive, but in the sense that you must sacrifice some of your quality of life in order to acquire more goodies in order to preserve the quality of life you have left. Life is a subscription model, and there are some things we must be incredibly consistent at in order to get by.

In the grand scheme of things, these things are primarily important because we require them to obtain something else. It is similar to how some people pursue doctorates to the highest levels not because they care about human lives, but because they believe it will be financially beneficial. Some people are obsessed with the most lucrative thing available, and we frequently criticize them for it, but they are simply participating in the rat race to see who can live well and comfortably.

Life can become boring, which is why people spend some of their money to buy happiness.

Without happiness, living becomes a chore, like dragging oneself to the finish line, which is why businesses are established to create happiness.

Life is subscriptional in nature; nothing is given freely except the life you own, which was given to you by God, the creator.

True, there are natural resources that we should have for free, but others have colonized them and are now selling them to you in exchange for something. Do not get me wrong: there is pride in being useful, and there is joy in knowing you are a part of something. In fact, being actively involved in something makes time pass more quickly.

Let me be ironic: the Bible says that an idle mind is the devil's workshop, so most of the time, being a part of something keeps things like destitution and depression at bay, but being too cyclical or too subscriptional can also bring on depression

Many people are struggling to make ends meet because the money they earn is insufficient to cover their expenses unless they work more hours.

The truth is that we will always have to give a little more every day, because what we used to give is no longer sufficient. Life will always require more of our essence, and we frequently underestimate how selfless we can be in order to purchase that extra needed to keep going.

We're not Rabbits

We can not just breathe, of course; we are not rabbits

We can not run around looking for grass; we have to pay to live in a house, eat, and even get married; these commitments give us identities, but we sometimes spend too much time repeating sequences just to have enough to do these things. We may not realize it at first, but when we lose things like the freedom of good health, we realize that life can be a waste of time.

Of course, it may not appear so when we are successful; we have a beautiful wife/husband and children, a nice family, and so on, but we must continue the cycle of repetition in order to provide for these things we call our own.

Of course, some people are still in that stage where everything is provided for them, so life may not appear strange to them, but for those who have had to meet deadlines, work two or three jobs, sleep less, have poor or declining health as a result of stress, there comes a time when it feels like life is only transactional, and if you can not meet up, it is over.

It Shouldn't Be

It does not have to be that way; I believe that in the midst of all of these issues, God provides rest and solace, a divine comfort beyond human understanding. It is true that having faith or believing in God will not pay the bills; therefore, you must connect with the illogicality of divine rest. Life does not have to end with the propensity for constant hustling and ending with nothing; it is simply too much vanity.


There's Divine solace in God

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I must admit that I do get tired of living sometimes, especially when you have bills to pay but the money isn't there. This morning my cooking gas finished while I was about preparing my lunch because I usually take food to work as it saves me extra expenses. I just sat down tired, not knowing what to do. I was low on cash.

Luckily I had boiled water for bath, I just took my bath, used the remaining one to drink cocoa beverage and biscuits and left for work. Some other person would have gotten frustrated but not I especially not on my special day. I had to make myself happy despite what happened. So it's our choice to be happy or not.
Got back home this evening and sorted it out.

Well, it was good to know you sorted it out by the end of the day at least, this leaves a feeling of comfort knowing that one problem is solved. However, knowing you have to eat also means the potentiality of the fast finishing after some time and this is where it all becomes frustrating.
However, it's life, it gets completely tiring. Thanks for sharing your experience

However, it's life, it gets completely tiring.

It's indeed tiring but we have to find a way to navigate, always.

I saw the question and I said, yes, I am tired of living sometimes when I start to think of the expenses I need to subscribe to just to live the life I want. I am not there yet and I must keep paying those bills if I value my life. Yes, there is complete solace in God but we must not depend on this alone without doing our part because He will never come down from Heaven to help us do all these, we must do them ourselves. But knowing this truth and doing what needs to be done won't be too much of a burden upon us. While we are struggling to keep the pace going, we should remember to always trust in God too.

The solace in God I meant is having at the back of our mind that there's life beyond this earth and as much as we're vested in building goals and dreams to pay our ways out of life we mustn't forget also to truly consecrate our lives truly to God, live according to his words and standards as well as know that he promises us a life of eternal rest, through his son Jesus Christ.

Each generation will encounter hardship (except those who are rich)... Think about how some old sayings started off:

They used to use urine to tan animal skins, so families used to all pee in a pot & then once a day it was taken & sold to the tannery. If you had to do this to survive you were piss poor.
But worse than that were the really poor folk who couldn't even afford to buy a pot; they didn't have a pot to piss in & were the lowest of the low.

Such is life, we do what we able and what we can afford at any given time.

You're right, except those with good fortunes and maybe inherited a lot of money. However, I believe there's a life in Jesus, away from all the cycle of hardship and repetition.

Rich or poor are all tested in one way or another on the road of life, I don't believe any walk unscathed, shattered by events that directly affect an individual.

We just have to continue paying for this and that and it is really crazy. You’d pay for us, house rent, my shop rent is also there, NEPA bill and all
Why are we working or what are we even working for? Cos these are the basic things taking all of our money even without feeding
It’s crazy

It's definitely a lot of bills to pay and sometimes it just becomes too tiring and difficult to cope with. It's the cyclical nature of life

I understand you completely, I live in Cuba and although I work more than 12 hours a day, my salary and extras are not even enough for the basics or food. Living is a challenge that we have to overcome. I hope you have a lot of success and happiness.

I heard it's tough in Cuba and a lot of people aren't having it very easy. It's the same with Nigeria as well.

I'm deeply touched when you said that humans exist just to pay taxes and bills.

That's true and can't be debated but God will help us out

Well yes, living expenses and bills.

Sometimes is like someone is being tired in just one position and the person never gatz to move, problem sit on us and income never increases, bills everywhere, life will now become tiring 🙏🏻🙏🏻.

It's a vicious cycle, but the promise of God and heaven gives comfort..

He promised us a good future and a hope, so we will keep moving

Quality of life is an illusion. All we really need is food, shelter, and good people to keep us company. . . and Internet.

Well, I don't think it's an illusion, I think it's a level of comfort people strive to get to. Some people attain it, and some people might not.

The comfort rent is too high

It's hard but it's a part of life. I don't think the economy will be getting any better as the prices of things go up either. Wages just aren't keeping up with price increases.

It better in some places and its worse in some places too..

Properly said, there's also no" free coffee anywhere, even in free Town " We therefore must keep on working, it's good to be alive .

Yes, the people who are here are going to continue to strive to keep making ends meet..

Yes, hive of course is the help of God to everyone here or seeking to join. Thanks.

I feel you bro. Life really does get very exhausting with all the constant demands and bills. Sometimes it feels like we're just running in circles trying to keep up. It's not an easy thing at all but please don't lose hope and never give up...... it's a struggle but being strong and tough will see you through 🥰 have a lovely day bro

At present this is the situation of the whole world, but as much money as we are earning, we are not even able to pay the electricity bill, so life is going through a lot of pain and trouble and we have to borrow money to run our daily life. but still the government here is not doing anything and taxes are being imposed.

The world that man has created isn't going to ever bring happiness, just stress and depression. There's too much greed out there...

Finding meaning in life is paramount, and belief in a higher power can make all the difference in the world. Keep up the good work, you always have great posts!