Chinese rocket out of control

in Project HOPE2 days ago


a greeting to the community of project hope, I hope you are well and with much illusion in these days where things do not seem to be going well especially in Latin American countries, one of the most relevant news that are all over the web is the possibility of a rocket of 21 tons falls without control over a country that is not determined, the collision of the huge Chinese rocket is scheduled for the 8th or 9th of May.

A week ago the Chinese space agency launched a Long March 5B rocket, which is destined to put into orbit one of the three elements of its Chinese space station, the problem with this rocket is that as it went up it did not lose acceleration and this caused the whole rocket structure to go into orbit losing control.

To put it in context of what needs to happen, the normal procedure for this type of rocket is for the detachable parts to separate from the capsule before entering orbit so that they can re-enter the earth and have a controlled descent of all the parts, but if for some reason the structure goes up into space, control of the rocket would be lost causing the 21 tonnes of metal to spin out of control, ultimately the place where it will fall will be determined by random

One of the possibilities being considered by the Pentagon is to shoot down the rocket before it hits a densely populated urban centre, but to implement this solution, the Pentagon has to agree with the Chinese government, which I consider very difficult.

While the world waits in suspense as to what will happen, the Chinese government spokesman has stated that the chances of damage to their rocket are very low and they are confident that everything will be fine.

In conclusion, this year the world is quite busy and when we think that the crises are about to be overcome we are surprised with a news of this magnitude, I just hope that the statements of the Chinese government spokesman are telling the truth and it is not like his statements about the virus.

created by :@trabajosdelsiglo

these are my opinions regarding a topic that caught my attention, I hope you like it and can leave a valuable comment