
Strengthening the Dollar and empowering consumers by lowering the costs of goods and services.

If anyone has ever told you that deflation was a ‘bad thing’, you were talking to a capitalist with no concern for the well being of the people that make up our society. Lowering costs allows for a more comfortable lifestyle, and generates an increase in expendable income. People will be able to do more things, buy more of what they want or need, and have more economic freedom.

Deflation of prices broadens the market those goods and services are available to, and the product becomes affordable to a larger demographic. This will drive an increase in overall production and sales, which boost the economy in a sustainable manner, whereas inflation cannot.

Inflation of prices, price gouging, and a constant increase of costs puts unnecessary strain on the lives of the people that drive the system. Less expendable income means people have to make tough decisions about what to buy or not buy. Higher costs of living results in people having to work more to survive. Which means less time spent with family and friends and an overall decrease in the quality of life.

Hermetic Genetics supports the political movement to deflate the costs of goods and services, and the overall lowering of the economic burden placed on our lives.
We support the quest for freedom and prosperity for everyone.
And you should too.

 5 years ago (edited) 

Deflation of prices broadens the market ...

Inflation of prices, price gouging, and ...

The terms "Deflation" and "Inflation" do not apply to the prices of products and services.

You are misinterpreting the terms. You are using them badly.

Thank you for your perspective. The term applies to both conditions, in the context in which it is used here it pertains to the price inflation. Please see the referenced definition from Investopedia to help you further understand the concept.

 5 years ago  

Prices do not suffer inflation. Prices suffer "increase." This is a sign of inflation.

The term inflation is applied to the economy.
Then we will have an economic process caused by the imbalance between production and demand; it causes a continuous rise in the prices of most of the products and services, and a loss of the value of the money to be able to acquire them or make use of them.

An excess of monetary liquidity is a sign of inflation. That is, there is too much money circulating. This money is inorganic, without backing. Therefore it has no real value. Many pieces of money are needed to acquire few goods.

That is inflation.

Dear @hermeticgenetics

Thank you for choosing to post within project.hope HIVE/community. However we're focusing our efforts on supporting users with some track of engagement and activity on steem blockchain. And your account is brand new.

For that particular reason I won't be able to support your content with upvote in the future. Right now I'm dropping small upvote, but I've limited amount of daily upvotes and need to prioritize users with some history on steemit.

Best of luck
@project.hope team

 5 years ago  

Dear @hermeticgenetics

If anyone has ever told you that deflation was a ‘bad thing’, you were talking to a capitalist with no concern for the well being of the people that make up our society.

Indeed. I believe every capitalist who understand how world economy works would agree on that deflation can bring terrible consequences. And I disagree that being a capitalists means that people have no concern towards others. No offence, but your words sounds like those repeated in old days by communists.

Lowering costs caused by deflation results with banks not being able (and not willing) to provide loans to businesses and individuals. That in result turn everyone into saving mode and money flow is slowing down. Businesses would be failing and jobs would be lost in massive scale.

I'm sorry to say but your post is just a propaganda, and it's only proving quite limited knowledge about economics.

Yours, Piotr