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RE: COVID-19: Liberty vs. Safety and Security

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

Sounds like we have a similar perspective @dreamingirwin. What type of essential services are you being asked to provide?

My beloved lifemate is also classified as "essential," as she works for an elderly care provider. In that role, she is requested to do a lot of shopping, since her clients don't want to or can't leave the house ..

So ...

The statistical likelihood of experiencing COVID-19 "up close and personal" for us are higher than for many. And we are supposedly in the "high risk" group, due to our age. Nonetheless, we are not fearful. We will deal with whatever happens, at that time, but choose not to fret about it.

"The worst part of this situation is how they were able to cause choas in acquiring trustworthy sources of information. Even the usual sources of reliable info were confused, and conflicting."

You highlight the most aggravating part of all of this to us. If we do not know the truth about what we are up against, that how do we properly address it?

Whatever the truth is though, as I have made my case in this post, we do not believe "shutting down" America, let alone the rest of the world, can be justified.

Nobody asked for our opinion, however, so we will all find out soon enough what the "new normal" plans are for us in the "post COVID" world ...

Thank you for stopping by and adding value to this post!


I deliver pizza lol. That what makes me essential. Haha. But honestly those of us that can't stay home, and collect are immunes are stronger. The danger lies in shutting yourself from the world. They using fear to make everyone fall in line. Did you see Canada just banned guns. I really hope they stand up to him. It's sickening how clear it is that health is not their agenda.

Well, I dunno @dreamingirwin ...

"I deliver pizza lol. That what makes me essential."

... in this day and age, probably few of our fellow citizens would argue with the 'essential" nature of having pizza delivered on demand! 😉

Agreed on your point about immunity. There are a number of reports about how much of our population already has this immunity, indicating the spread of this is far greater than has been reported. Suppressed / ignored because that would drive the mortality rate down (into the range of a typical "flu season" ...), with a resulting reduction in fear and anxiety?

No, I was unaware of what is going on with guns in Canada. A strong supporter of our Second Amendment rights, I honestly didn't know Canada still allowed them, as so many countries have harsh restrictions on gun ownership.

This virus allows cover for this massive push towards tyranny. It's sad. Most people want to live and let live. Yet there's a small percentage that feel it's their blood rite to control everyone.
Also there's been a few studies that are shown that the amount of pneumonia deaths have dropped significantly. The numbers just don't add up. And the doctors that have come out showing their dad and showing what they've seen. They were deleted from Facebook and YouTube. It's sickening. I just signed on to hive for the first time since it split. It's like coming back to old job where everything's changed. Still in the process of seeing if my old communities are still running arid I used to run a contest that I really enjoy doing. Add to check to see if that contest would still be applicable with the new style. So my goal is to set some time aside and just kind of get back into the community and see how things work and what can and can't be done. But I'm kinda excited. Now I just have to make the time. I was missing my blog life. The nagging wouldn't go away so. Here's to disciplining myself back into my old habits. :)

Yes @dreamingirwin it is a sad state of affairs, so we are like-minded on that. How often in life do we take something for granted, until it is gone? Which, by that time, it's too late ...

Somewhat a student of history, our heritage as Americans IMHO is poorly understood and, as a direct result, little appreciated. Here in the last few weeks, I've dusted off an "old friend," a book I had not looked into for years - The Patriot's Reference. It is an excellent resource for a much better understanding of who and what shaped the founding of America. Not God, so of course I don't know, but if we have men in America today like they were then, I am unaware of them (I include myself in that statement ...).

It is inconceivable to me people in that era would have handled this anything like what our "fearless leaders" have chosen for us ...

Nice to hear you are back in action! 👍 I wish you well in your endeavors. If I can do anything to help you with questions, please feel free to ask. I'll do what I can. Originally investing into STEEM in Aug 2017, I have been active "in here" since May 2018. Rapidly approaching my 2nd anniversary and deciding what I am going to do about it ...

That's cool. I'll have to look that book up. Whenever I hear a good book, or I listen to a good speaker that wrote a book. Try to make it a point to buy the book. Though most of the books that I tend to finish are usually through audio lately. Mainly because I'm always working.
It is insane how fast time flies though. When the market crashed few years back. It threw me for a loop. I took a step back from everything. Next thing I know 2 years have gone by. Seems that unwanted acquaintance regret, is always ready to show up. Yet I find myself not so willing to hang out with it as much as I use to. And honestly I appreciate the offer to answer questions. I definitely have a few. At first glance things don't seem to work the same way they used to.

Not sure here @dreamingirwin ...

"Seems that unwanted acquaintance regret, is always ready to show up. Yet I find myself not so willing to hang out with it as much as I use to."

... what you are saying, but if it is about your experience with the "bad actors" in this "virtual world," then I can relate to that frustration. I've certainly experienced my share over my nearly 2 year long "journey." And, like may be the case with you, I do not spend as much time "in here" as I once did.

There is, for me though, an undeniable fascination with engaging with others all over the world. And engaging with good people who I would never otherwise know anything about. Prior to creating this account, I had said I would never have an online presence, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc. I still don't have any online presence but here ...

Well, please ask away and I'll be happy to do what I can to help you. We can't have too many good people doing what they feel comfortable with working to add value to this blockchain.

P.S. One thing about reading the thoughts of our Founders, I personally count myself as having a pretty respectable command of the "King's English." I still have to have a dictionary, though, as their command is on "another level" ... Tremendous character, intellect, and wisdom ...