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RE: Indebted sleep debted

in OCD5 years ago

Heat exchangers are not popular in the UK yet. We are interested in a wood boiler as we are in a forested area and have an endless supply of free wood - especially as another tree fell down across our lane in the storms today!


Yep, that is quite common here too (pretty much, Finland is all forest and lakes) but losing popularity. We will have a wood -fired sauna in this place though :) I have a friend I will get the wood from as he owns forest.

btw, I don't know all the proper names for these things in English, only Finnish - it is weird.

A sauna would be good. I remember using one when I stayed in Finland once Christmas. The ones in Britain never seem quite the same.

Wood-fired saunas have a softer heat than the electric, even though they are often hotter.