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RE: COVID-19: Liberty vs. Safety and Security

in OCD4 years ago

How many of you would say more or less the same thing?

It is now well documented that it was the University of Washington and IHME modelling forecasts which got the world leaders' panties in a knot leading to the world's lock down. It is also fairly well documented that the Bill and Melissa Gates Foundation is the main sponsor of the two reports. Was it with evil intent or tea leaves read badly? We will likely never know with 100% certainty.

My personal feeling is that the economies of the capitalist world were on the ropes. The massive money printing which had continued since 2008 had run its course. The rest of the world was getting wise to the fact the Empire was crumbling. Perhaps it was a handy angle to be able to blame the flu for the collapse of the economy instead of excepting it as an inevitable occurrence which was predicted by Marx over 100 years ago. An opportune scapegoat for those trying to retain power?

Are the Gates involved in some kind of world wide deception or have they simply paid for bad science? Short of waterboarding it will be hard to know for sure. It's said that even information obtained from waterboarding cannot be depended upon. All the same you would have me volunteering to perform the task if only for Bill's monopolizing of operating systems and dumbing down peoples' computer skills since the advent of the Information Age.


My advice is to take on my practise of ignoring the lock down and getting out and bicycling each day. We bicyclists have been practising social distancing for over a century. With so few cars on the road it is a biker's paradise. ✌️😎


Thank you for commenting and adding value to this post @novacadian. You are sharing some details with which I am unfamiliar. I have heard only vaguely of some of what the Gates Foundation is alleged to be doing. Amongst them is reportedly their keen interest in a smaller global population ...

The ugly reality, whatever the source of its origins, the global response seems to have taken on an inevitable "life of its own," as leaders the world over are very, very unlikely to acknowledge that a mistake has been made. If, indeed, it ever was a mistake ...

As you say, short of the opportunity to "waterboard" / inject with truth serum / ?...? those responsible for this madness, all we can do is speculate. For me, the saddest part of it is how docilely all of this was entered into at the beginning. If this was some sort of "drill," then I would imagine we "passed the test" ...

As for this ...

"My advice is to take on my practise of ignoring the lock down and getting out and bicycling each day. We bicyclists have been practising social distancing for over a century. With so few cars on the road it is a biker's paradise. ✌️😎"

... sounds like good advice to me. Burn off stress, as much as that is possible under the circumstances, and forget any notion that we have any influence over the outcome.

We'll find out soon enough what is coming ...

You may be interested in a wonderful deep dive, on the Gates Foundation involvement in all of this, just posted by @krnel. The link is included below for your reading pleasure.

"Back in" a bit this evening @novacadian and made some time to read the post to which you have provided a link. Thank you for providing it.

That post underscores for me, the first section of this post. What is the truth? And how on earth, in this crazy, messed up world today, do we know the truth, when there seems to be a 24/7/365 effort to manipulate / deceive / suppress etc.

P.S. Glad to see you are "still around." 🙂 Only part-time active myself, I had some impression from something I had read awhile back that you were "hanging it up." All the "back and forth" between Steem and Hive has done that to a lot of people ...

... I had some impression from something I had read awhile back that you were "hanging it up."

Yep, powering down on both chains, yet will probably stay at minnow HP on HIVE just to stay in touch with all the great folk, present company included, that have crossed my path over the last four-ish years until something that can better handle DPoS Governance comes along.

Up well before 🌄 (here) @novacadian and reading this first. I certainly understand your reservations about DPoS Governance. Obviously a lot of room for improvement.

"... until something that can better handle DPoS Governance comes along."

While not a developer, I am not totally without some grasp of coding, etc., as I used to actually support my family doing it. So ... While the concept of blockchains is an impressive application of it, it is software. Open source software no less. So what prevents anyone who thinks they can pull it off make their own "continuous improvement" tweaks to it and create their own "virtual world?"

I honestly have never understood the confidence the "big boys" seem to have in theirs, as - 1) Competition is inevitable, and 2) If you doubt #1, then what did Dan do when he left Steem early on? The only possible explanation is they think they have a "critical mass" of user support, a "mountain" others will be unwilling to climb.

Really? See #2 ...

"... just to stay in touch with all the great folk, present company included, that have crossed my path ..."

Amen. That's the primary reason I keep pecking away on my keyboard! 🙃

Seriously, I appreciate your sentiments. You and I both know we have differences of opinion, but yet can have a civil and respectful exchange of thoughts / opinions / ideas, and still maintain a relationship (as much as I understand what that means in a "virtual" sense ...).

I can't speak for your views on this, but it truly saddens me to see the continuing "evolution" (do the evolutionists among us allow for going backwards, as well as "forward?") of our political discourse here in America. Civil discourse, certainly in the "public arena," has almost ceased to exist. Instead, we have replaced it with some "toxic brew" which IMHO has no positive, constructive future. Only an accelerating decline ... God only knows to what end, but it is going to be ugly ...

Well, gotta get going into my day. Thank you again for investing your time in our exchange here on this post and, thereby, increasing the value of it for future readers. Be well!