Is Spaminator a good actor in Hive?

in OCD6 days ago

This is a question and not an attack on anyone in particular, but lately I see a lot of negative votes given by @spaminator to posts that are not necessarily spam, plagiarism, or written with AI.

thisTherefore, in light of a question raised by @friendlymoose in topic, where it was discussed whether downvoting should be used as a way to level and perhaps make the rewards of Hive more fair, since accounts like @curangel or other whales, sorry, I mean those with a lot of voting power, manage to skyrocket the rewards of some users in posts that frankly are not a wonder, even saw large rewards for posts about the empanadas they had for lunch with great rewards, and many other posts on really interesting topics, receive nothing.

Could that be the reason why few new users join this social network?

But the main question:

Is it fair that accounts like @spaminator give negative votes to users who barely have little less than 100, and sometimes fewer votes, which in total do not even add up to a dollar in rewards?

I'm all ears!

Versión en Español

Esta es una pregunta y no un ataque a nadie en especial, pero últimamente veo dar muchos votos negativos a @spaminator a posteos que no necesariamente son spam, plagio, o escritos con IA.

estePor eso, y a raíz de una consulta planteada por @friendlymoose en tópico, en el cual se discutía si había que utilizar el downvote como forma de nivelar y tal vez hacer más justos las recompensas de Hive, ya que cuentas como la de @curangel u otras ballenas, perdón, me refiero a quienes tienen mucho poder de voto, logran inflar estratosfericamente las recompensas de algunos usuarios, en posteos que francamente no son una maravilla, incluso ví grandes recompensas a posteos sobre las empanadas que almorzaron con grandes recompensas, y otros muchos posteos con temas realmente interesantes, no recibir nada.

¿Será esa la razón de que pocos nuevos usuarios entren a esta red social?

Pero la pregunta principal:

¿Es justo que cuentas como la de @spaminator den votos negativos a usuarios que apenas tienen poco menos de 100 y a veces menos votos, que en total no suman ni un dólar de recompensa?

Los leo!

Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.


Downvoting is certainly not the reason why "few new users join this social network".

IMHO downvoting is social equivalent of scolding for wrongdoing. If someone is shitposting (i.e. littering), or makes meaningless posts, or deceitful posts, lies, misuses tags, etc., etc., is it not fair to provide negative social feedback? Praise alone can not foster good/mature behaviour. Spammer should not feel encouraged/comfortable.

It is a bad idea to artificially limit range of emotions. Right/wrong, approve/disapprove, like/dislike, True/False they are different sides of the same thing. Encouraging the good behaviour is equally important to discouraging wrongdoing. If people can express appreciation then they should be able to express the opposite as well, or we reduce conversation to kindergarten level where "everyone gets a participation award and nobody loses".

I want to see downvotes when someone is rude because merely upvoting nice comments somehow makes it "OK" to write something terrible and receive no negative feedback whatsoever.

Frankly all of it should be obvious. Imagine a survey where for every question or statement the only allowed answer is "Yes" -- you will only ever see replies of those who's "in favour" when the opposite view is completely discarded because there is no way to express it. Here is another example: imagine post like "Let's make T-shirts illegal" and only upvotes under it (no dislikes). And some misguided soul thinking "Maybe it is not such a bad idea since so many people liked it."...

How about "downvote only"? That would be stupid, right? But isn't the opposite (i.e. upvote-only) is equally stupid?

I think that not only spam deserves downvoting. I would downvote vulgarity, noise (i.e. meaningless posts), provocative posts, off-topics, and other undesirable content.

Just check his recent activity -- isn't he doing an excellent job? Can you dispute any particular downvote? (Wouldn't it be enough to just upvote something that you think was unfairly downvoted?)As for particular contribution of @spaminator, I've seen only valid downvotes by him. One might question his criteria for downvoting, but someone have to do this, and IMHO he is doing a good job, from the brief look.

Para clarificarlo, @spamimator es un proyecto en el que están involucradas varias personas, o es un solo usuario? Pregunto para entender si hay consistencia en sus votos negativos, porque nunca lo veo votar negativamente a publicaciones impulsadas por ballenas que no son realmente publicaciones de calidad, pero eso ya es más subjetivo. Sinceramente veo publicaciones muy interesantes sin votos, y otras sobre como hacer pasteles con votos por más de 20 o 30 dólares en dónde la mayor recompensa es del voto de 1 ballena... Supongo que también es cuestión de si le delegas HP a esa ballena, te retribuye en votos aunque tú contenido sea francamente "vulgar" como mencionas? A esas publicaciones no va @spaminator a darle downvotes, lo que me hace sentir curiosidad sobre los criterios para recibir un voto negativo de su parte.

I can not read in that language so please reply in English.

Please do use the translator, is just a click, or just ignore it, as you prefer.

Thanks for the downvote @onlyjob you are very nice, and remember that the ecency app has translator in every lenguaje of the world and the navigators also have translators with just one click. And better try to learn a second language 😆

I don't see a translator in Desktop Ecency. Regardless, if there is a translator then use it, instead of asking people to use it. It is a best practice to write in English anyway, as well as to reply in the same language (which might be considered as basic courtesy). You're welcome. FWIW, I am learning my third language and it is not Spanish.

Step 1 choose the post
Step 2 choose the 3 dots in the right superior corner
Step 3 choose translate
Step 4 choose the language to be translate

La forma más sencilla de comunicarse utilizando la tecnología, exigir cortesías que no se brindan no es de personas bien educadas. Suerte en la vida, después de todo, el castellano es uno de los idiomas más hablados y más bellos, pero quién no lo puede apreciar, se lo pierde.

@ladyaryastark, you're rewarding 2 replies from this discussion thread.