[ES-EN] 👊🏻Winning with 🔥"Felid Janissary" and 💥"Radiant Dawn"

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Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me


Saludos a toda la comunidad de "Gods Unchained", hoy estoy jugando un mazo "Zoo Light" y me enfrenté a un mazo "mágico".
Greetings to the entire "Gods Unchained" community, today I'm playing a "Zoo Light" deck and I faced a "magical" deck.


Dominando la arena con mis criaturas.

Ubico en la mesa a "Deuteria" y le agrego un punto de salud gracias a "Humble Benefactor", después uso a
"Felid Janissary" para dar "+1/+1" a "Deuteria".
Ahora ataco y logró hacer 4 de daño al mago.

Dominating the arena with my creatures.

I place "Deuteria" on the table and add a point of health thanks to "Humble Benefactor", then use
"Felid Janissary" to give "+1/+1" to "Deuteria".
Now he attacked and managed to deal 4 damage to the mage.


Aumentando la salud de mis criaturas.

Hago uso del "echo" de "Humble Benefactor" para dar +1 de salud a "Deuteria" que fue lastimada con "Blizzard Bolt",
luego "Holy Writ" para dar "+4 health" a 3 de mis unidades.
Ataco y hago 3 de daño al mago.

Increasing the health of my creatures.

I use the "echo" of "Humble Benefactor" to give +1 health to "Deuteria" who was hurt by "Blizzard Bolt",
then "Holy Writ" to give "+4 health" to 3 of my units.
I attack and deal 3 damage to the mage.


Sanando a mis criaturas y mejorando mi mano.

Lanzo a "Sern, The Moderator" para dar "order 3" a un enemigo, sanar a "Deuteria" y ganar una tarjeta del mazo,
se trata de "Vexing Vicar". Ataco y hago 7 de daño al dios mágico.
Gano favores y el "Santuario" se concede a "Rune of Sight".

Healing my creatures and improving my hand.

I cast "Sern, The Moderator" to give an enemy "order 3", heal "Deuteria" and gain a card from the deck,
This is "Vexing Vicar". I attack and deal 7 damage to the magic god.
I gain favors and the "Sanctuary" is granted to "Rune of Sight".


Aumento el poder de daño de mis criaturas.

Ingresa a la arena "Felid Janissary" para dar "+1/+1" a "Sern, The Moderator" y luego activo "Radiant Dawn" para dar
"+1/+1" a todas mis criaturas. Mi rival se rinde al verse perdido.

I increase the damage power of my creatures.

Enter the "Felid Janissary" arena to give "+1/+1" to "Sern, The Moderator" and then activate "Radiant Dawn" to give
"+1/+1" to all my creatures. My rival gives up when he sees himself lost.


Reporte de tarjetas y mi nivel en el juego.

Tengo 564 meteorite, 42 shadow, 24 gold y 1 diamond.
El valor estimado de mi colección es de 1’597.46 gods lo que equivale a $409.60
Y mi nivel en el juego es 906.

Card report and my level in the game.

I have 564 meteorite, 42 shadow, 24 gold and 1 diamond.
The estimated value of my collection is 1’597.46 gods which is equivalent to $409.60
And my level in the game is 906.



Mi mazo

Te dejo el código de mi deck para que lo puedas probar en tus batallas.

My deck

I leave you the code of my deck so you can try it in your battles.



Fuente / Source


Si aún no juegas "Gods Unchained", puedes registrarte con mi enlace.
If you don't play "Gods Unchained" yet, you can sign up with my link.


La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:


▶️ 3Speak


Muy buen deck amigo. Mas adelante empezare a armarlo.

Hi, thank you my friend.

This is still an excellent deck and I am still seeing lots of players using it.

Hi, thank you my friend.


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