The greener pasture

in The Ink Welllast month (edited)

The dusty caravan, filled with needed foods, drinks, and clothing, drives slowly through a deserted road with hills and valleys side by side with long trees and shrubs. Marina, who looked exhausted from the travel, peeped out of the small window in the caravan, watching the beautiful acts of nature. The cool and fresh air produced by the trees and fresh leafy plants around brings some soothing to her nerves, which seemed like giving up already due to her tiredness. She tried much longer to peep out of the window as she struggled to stand from where she sat, and all she could see was a vast land filled with trees and green plants.

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"Alberto, are we going to get to a place where humans live? All I can see here is a field." Marina called out to her husband, who is her travel partner and the driver.

Marina and Alberto were part of the Roma gypsy clan traveling around the world in search of jobs. They separated from the rest of their families to get a better life, save more, and build their family, hoping one day they could rest while their children took over. They are in search of farm work and other agricultural jobs they can lay their hands on, as that pays more than any other job, and also that is what they are good at.

"Relax, my lady; enjoy nature for some more time; I'm sure people are living around here somewhere," Alberto replied to Marina with a smile.

As Marina was about to sit back in the caravan, she sighted a flame of smoke from afar, and that ignited her hope as she smiled.

"Amor, I can see a smoke from afar; it seems luck is on our side unless we would be made fun of if we didn't get anything out of our travels despite separating from home," Marina called out to her husband as she sat back in the caravan.

"I told you to be patient; I can't be wrong; just have a little face in me, will you?" Alberto replied Marina.

"I wish they would be accommodating and welcoming enough for us to stay and work here for a while, at least to save up for some time. I don't want them to see us as thieves as they did in our previous destination," Marina said and sighed.

As they reached closer to the smoke, some huts were already visible, filled with the sounds of children and women who were engaged in a conversation. Marina's heart began to beat faster than usual as she saw opportunities in the village; what was left for them was to be accepted. Alberto drove the caravan to the middle of the village, where people were wondering who and what was in the caravan.

"Amor, are you sure this is a good idea? Should we talk to them or should we move forward?" Marina asked, as she was already nervous about what the villager's reply would be.

"Let's talk to them first; I'm sure they will accommodate us; don't be afraid for no reason. Are you ready now? Let's go and talk with them," Alberto said to his wife.

Marina nodded in response as she adjusted her clothes and stood up, then opened the door of the caravan. She stepped out, and Alberto followed immediately. For some minutes, they both stood close to their caravan, trying to see the villagers' reactions, but after some minutes, they gathered their momentum and walked over to the group of villagers, staring at them since they dropped from the caravan.

"Hello, we are travelers; we are here to work, and I would like to ask if you need extra hands on your farmlands; that is our specialty, and I'm sure you will enjoy our service. My name is Alberto, and my wife is Marina," Alberto said to the villagers.

"We are not the one you should be talking to; you will need to meet the village head; if he gives you the go-ahead, then you are welcome to our village," a man replied from the crowd.

"Okay, thank you; we would like to meet the village head; when can that be?" Marina asked the man whose name was introduced as Battor.

"Follow me if you are ready; I will take you to him," Battor replied.

"Of course we are ready; let's go, please," Alberto replied as they both followed Battor, who was already on his way.

After some minutes, they got to the village head palace made of blocks; that's the only house made of blocks in the entire village.

"My lord, I brought to you these two travelers who have sojourned from a far distance to our village in search of work," Battor narrated to the village head.

"You are welcome; I hope your intentions are good because if not, you will pay dearly if you cause any harm to my people," the village head responded.

"We meant well; all we want is a place to work and earn a living," Marina replied.

"Okay then, I have a large hectare of land on the outskirts of the town where I need more hands to help me with the harvest of corn, wheat, cocoa, apples, and yams. You can see that's lots of work; if you don't mind, you can join them, and you will be paid," the village head said.

"Battor, take them to Phila on the farm; he will put them through how work is being done," the village head further said. Phila is my head of workers; go with Battor now," the village head said to Alberto and Marina.

They stood up and followed Battor to the farmland, where they saw other workers. They were happy because it was indeed a large farmland where there was enough work for them to do and earn. The harvest season soon came, and they helped in the harvest. Alberto and Marina have made friends with the villagers; they all love the Gypsies and treat them with respect. After the harvest season was over, it was time for Alberto and Marina to leave and continue their journey to another place, as they always do. They were handsomely paid for their work, and on the night before their departure, the village head held a feast for them to show their love and appreciation for the work well done by the couple. The following morning, Alberto and Marina departed.

Thanks for your time, and your comments will be appreciated.

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Glad Alberto and Marina finally achieved their dreams. Nice write up 👍👍 no matter the challenges things will always work out.

You are right

It's good that they found people who treat them well. Though they have to depart, I'm sure they're happy and somehow hopeful that on their next stop over, they'll also find another village that will treat them fairly. Thanks for sharing, @rare-gem!

Good day.

Thanks for reading

You're welcome @rare-gem!

The gypsy couple was able to get a place where they could work for a while and then continue with their journey. I think that is the essence of gypsies, they are the walkers of the world.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Excellent day.

Yeah, thanks for reading