A Trip To Paradise: Creative Nonfiction Prompt #68

"Grandma please, just let me go, I'll be back before you know it", I pleaded with my hands clapsed together, my voice a mix of exasperation and hope, "I won't be long, I promise".

I gave her one of my most charming smiles as she rolled her eyes in feigned anger. I knew that beneath that steely exterior of hers, was this great love and tenderness.

"Child, the current is very strong these days and I don't want you getting in harm's way", she spoke gently, her eyes holding a flicker of concern.

"See, Grandma I'm no longer a child, I know how to be careful, I'm now in college or have you forgotten?", I puffed out my chest, challenging her constant notion of regarding me a child, even though I was almost thirteen.

Her boisterous laughter was a ray of hope for me. Grandma would never smile if she wasn't going to indulge one.

"Child, you are still too young to understand so many things, the river has become so unpredictable of late, I wouldn't want you to go there alone and besides you just came back from the City, you've not even had something to eat yet".

"Please Grandma, let's stop this argument, I need to go because I have really missed here, especially the river. I'm not hungry, I'll eat when I come back please". I made the last attempt to plead with her, this time I was close to tears, trying to emotionally blackmail her and yes, it did work.

"Okay, but promise me that you won't stay too long and that you would be very careful, very careful hmmm, and listen to your instincts", she was pleading now and with the weight of concern in her voice, I wondered why she was acting strangely. I lived for five years with her in the village and there was hardly a day I didn't swim and play in that river. So why the sudden apprehension.

Squealing with ecstatic delight, I rushed into her arms and wrapped mine around her neck in a hug of gratitude.

Her next words were lost in the winds as I was already out of the house, bubbling with so much excitement and running down the hill towards the river. It always held a great charm for me, the coolness of its waters against my skin was like royal silk.

Snaking my way further down the hill, I heard the soft rhythmic whispering noise from a distance, and then I saw the Sunlight making its way through the dark leaves. I inhaled deeply and whispered, "I'm home". This was Nature, beautiful, awesome, serene. The water was flowing in synchronized tranquility, and as I looked around, I saw the magic and mystery in its depth and I stood riveted, silently moving to the lull of its music, this was the clean living I had always envisioned, this tranquil cove.

I got close and sat by its edge, dipping my toes into its calmness and coolness, enjoying the ripples caused by my toes' movement, breathing in the scented earthy air of my surroundings. In the City, I was never at peace but there was peace in this stillness. I briefly wondered why there was no one else around.

Oh, there was a wrestling competition for the young boys( an initiation ceremony actually, of the boys into adulthood) slated for that evening, and everyone would be moving towards the village square, especially the maidens who loved watching the rippling muscles of the young wrestlers, making their decisions as to who should be a worthy enough escort or suitor.
And yes I would be there because I'm never one to miss out on any fun opportunity, but before then..... I needed a swim, badly. It was like an itch. I shredded all my clothings... Well almost, and suavely dived right into the arms of paradise. I have not done this in six months and it was my utmost pleasure to swirl with the melody of the shooshing waters, time stood still, I closed my eyes and.... I didn't know for how long I was in the water, maybe an hour or so.

"Child, it's time to go" I was startled by my Grandma's voice because I thought I was all alone. But she had followed me from a discreet distance, watching over me like a guardian angel, her boundless love would not let her leave me alone at the mercy of the tricky currents. In that instant, my love for her swelled in my heart, seeking to burst, this Sage might be old and all wrinkled but she would always be my guide, my protector, my greatest lover.

The holidays ended too soon and I went back to school and to the tumultuous City but the memories of a trip to paradise never ended for me.

Story Written By Me.

Image created with PicsAr

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Thank You For Stopping By My Neighbourhood.


Oh, how sweet. Your relationship with your Grabdma is just incredible.

Yes, we had a very close-knit relationship. Thank you.

You’re welcome

Grandma served as your guide and protector. I understand how concerned she was at first for not wanting you to go to the river, she has her reasons but at that moment, you don't want to understand that but to satisfy your desire to visit that river you have missed for months. What a lovely read.

Yes, I was too young to think along the same lines. Thank you so much.

You are welcome ma

Hi @edith-4angelseu,I love the stories featuring your grandmother. there is so much love in them. A very big greeting

Yes, so much love my dear. Thank you.

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Thank you so much for accepting me 😊

Yay! 🤗
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, by @edith-4angelseu.