
@crimsonclad your posts scream "say you are talking about Grimes without talking about #grimes lol

I want every post on front page of trending to be a female hive account for a MONTH

virtue transactions

well, I mean, Jodorovsky and Herbert were exploring the psychedelic cosmos a few decades before she was even a twinkle, but I do tend to think that effective writing and art speak to people across the ages and that was sort of the point of my whole two hour live show, so does that count? 😄

Hah dont act like you arent all in a secret all female crypto discord plotting to inject grimes metaverse users into hive ....probly just waiting for @hiveonboard to clear the way maybe by having Grimes buy the hive to make accounts for all her top artusts in fanart channel on her metaverse discord ...... im sure youre laughing about what I do next

lol and if thats a delusion TOO BAD ill make it real with cgi and deep fakes and manifest it anyway and grimes will end up here one way or another...and shell make a tweet to prove it ....

and hive will skyrocket like dogecoin and all of REDDIT WILL POUR IN along with endless DUNE memes now involving hive .... and alienarthive ...

and shell visit pal discord and join your radio show 100% .... it will be the most popular show lol

Oh and by the way.... all those grimes metaveree articles are about to make some incredible hive art and post to twitter for us... and theyll get into dapps and communities and learn how hive works and make it so cool .... theyre so smart .... theyll figure it out .... I've next 3 years we dump hertwitter snd reddit into hive


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Hola soy nuevo en esta plataforma y estoy intentando aprender a andar en ella, pero existen muchos términos que desconosco, me gustaría un buen tutorial que me recomiendes para poder interactuar con ustedes, quedo atento.

Hope I'll be in the twinkling neon ... Thanks for the interesting post!

But steem does have nfts not otficially but theres telos and wax nfts that work with stuff like which is like steam + scatter or anchor by @jesta

So imagine your logging into steam with keychain lol thats what farm game does and you can play counterstrike for telos

Anyway ultra chain eosio wanted to do ubisoft steam gaming crap

It is coming...steam will do what the market wants... its just a tiny group of weordos in charge at the momemt like fuckin twitch lol and theyre both secretly working on nfts but denying it lol

Hive and wax will have all sorts of gaming stores to compete with steam in the next 2 years as @aggroed gets more and more funding from hive and wax when wax really takes off

is it trade-free radio station?

The documentary on Dune just blew me away. Even Pink Floyd was going to be a part of it. The idea was ahead of its time and Jorodowski was a bit too far out for Hollywood executives. That didn't stop other from copying his ideas later, so in some ways, this director influenced the development of modern scifi.


Learn more at @crimsonclad! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

Let's keep working and supporting each other to grow at Hive!...Hello @crimsonclad… I have chosen your post about “-CyberBuzz Radio: Disruptive Tech, Blockchain & Synthwave | The Dune That Wasn't, Steam Doesn't Want NFTs, and We ALL Want Nokia Bricks-” for my daily initiative to re-blog - vote and comment…

Wow what a success congratulations 👏👏👏👏👏.