so I parked a couple kilometres from the city centre and walked in. Again, there's that making use of time thing in action
This has been one of the most positive things about letting my car go (although it's a real hassle and pretty exhausting at times). Life slowed down. Getting to places on foot means seeing the landscape better, being "in the moment" more fully and meeting interesting people along the way (waiting for transport at times).
I wish the world would just slow down again...
Sounds like a busy but soul fulfilling weekend 😊
I like the slow down idea also, but I'll admit I want the whole thing to slow down...meaning, the power goes out forever. I'd love that because, after all, I'm a bit of a caveman. 😁
I try to slow things as much as possible though, and manage it mostly.
My Korean BBQ went really well and I'm on the couch watt the F1 pre-show live from Singapore and yep, I have snacks. Not a bad night. I'm looking forward to tomorrow also. All up it'll work out to be a really nice weekend I think.
Tell me where I can sign up 👍
This pace is a killer.
Sounds well organized and fun! Enjoy the break :)