The only way we move away from Capitalism with crypto is if we do away with Proof of Stake as a method of governance. As long as large capital owners have control over the way in which a crypto develops, you still have capitalism. Popular democracy is the only way to avoid this, but large stakeholders in crypto will never let that happen. While proof of stake reigns, there is no foreseeable future in which crypto can work in a truly democratic fashion.
Without popular governance, the 'best' system that will develop is anarcho-capitalism, but inevitably that leads to normal old capitalism as monopolies form and capital accumulates in the hands of fewer and fewer people.
I can't see a way in which we move away from PoS through slow and steady reform. Like all large scale social change, it would have to be done in a revolutionary manner, which would inevitably make capital owners retaliate.
I can see a world in which CBDC (crypto backed digital currencies) are useful in a socialist society, while private ownership is suppressed, and the governance of the currency can be managed in a distributed popular fashion through the technologies enabled by crypto. It would ultimately need to be administered by a worker-managed state to avoid capital strong arming its way back into the picture through their accumulated wealth.