Hive Progress - The Mobey-Ludick and Hive Student Recap Graph! 🐳🐬🐟🐠

in LeoFinance β€’ last year

I am not going to lie... this took a long time to put together...

Hi there! Zak here from Cape Town South Africa. I recently closed off the stats series that went on weekly throughout the whole 2022 for our little household plus community.

This year that has exploded up to a 45-member supergroup and I will be doing the same... but bigger and better!

I had meant to make thus graph a lot sooner a d boy, did I learn my lesson! This took forever! But I am glad that I did it.

The graph above shows several things all based on HP growth:

The growth of each of the members who stayed active till the end of the year. I did not particularly want to spend the time to add people who were active for a bit and then went dark for months.

In the first half of the year, the curvature of the Group total followed my movements closely. When @jasperdick started moving swiftly, the fluctuations closer followed his movements in addition to the rest of our progress. But in the final section of the graph, the Group total outpaces everything as everyone in the group or at least 4 or 5 people in the group show decent amounts of progress and there are enough people gaining that even if each person cannot contribute progress each week, together there is no stopping the progress!

This is an amazing concept if you think about its implications in reciprocal growth!

Minnow Graph

The Minnows only graph shows myself, @jasperdick and @clairemobey. All three of us started the year as Redfish and we all become Minnows in 2022!

As you can see, @jasperdick will likely become a Dolphin in 2023! As for myself I cannot say, but I will likely be much bigger by the end of the year!

Redfish Graph

On this graph we see: @aimeludick, @merenludick, @matthew-williams, @lex-zaiya, @loadreaper, @pixelhuntersam, @marelizezeeman, @fufukunnn and @evanrentschler

As we can see, certain people have the ability to make leaps and bounds in terms of HP gains, but take rests while others gain continuously and steadily, never stopping at one place for long.

I am certain that @lex-zaiya will be the our next Minnow from this group and I have high hopes that @pixelhuntersam, @marelizezeeman and @loadreaper can all reach Minnow before the end of 2023!

Good luck everyone!

Final word

I will commit to keeping an up to date record of our new Activity Community... That will make it easier to see an even cooler, bigger graph!


Hive South Africa

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Wow, thank you for putting this together! It is extremely interesting to see. I flat-lined a bit at the end of the year. But I also had some awesome growth jumps! Let's hope I can have some growth this year again too πŸ˜ƒ

Around the 550HP mark you will become one of the Minnows! I have a lot of faith that you will get there this year! Just keep posting!

Then I shall aim for that! I need to just get into a proper routine again. Things are at least finally settling a little for me.

Good luck! I will look out for you!

Thank you for all your hard work my love! It certainly is awesome to see it in graph format. Thank you fur being such a great motivating force ❀️

Thanks babe. This new year is going to be even better! !LUV

@clairemobey, @zakludick(1/1) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | NFT | <>< daily

Made with by crrdlx

I can probably get to dolphin by the end of June 2023 if I keep consistent. From there I must see if my strategy will change with regards to the spread of HP staking (currently my 100% focus) and HBD savings. Perhaps I will speculate and sell from one to the other as well and it would be interesting to chat through how to do that... what HIVE price to sell HBD to get more HIVE (below $0.30?) and vice versa (sell extra HIVE for HBD at above $0.70?).

I was doing some quick math in my head... going from dolphin 5500HP to double dolphin (11000HP) will probably increase my curation rewards from about 10HP per week to 20HP per week... or a gain of 10HP per week or 520HP per year. If I invest the 5500HP into HBD savings with 20% interest instead, I would make the equivalent of 1100HP per year without the work of curating...

However, curating is a good service to others as well as yourself, especially as you grow... and the above paragraph doesn't take into account the price fluctuations of HIVE/HP. If HIVE/HP rapidly increase in value over that same year, then I could wish I'd stayed with 100% HP staking...

Is that going to happen? I was reading that HIVE stocks used to be linked to mining Bitcoin and Ethereum but that recently changed to mostly Bitcoin (because Ethereum changed strategy?). I assume there is something to do with supply and demand and the transactions of massive whale-sized accounts as well... but it seems that whether or not the HIVE price recovers is largely linked to whether Bitcoin does?

Hive price seems to be mostly connected to Bitcoin market fluctuations while HBD seems to fluctuate with USD prices.

I think that while we are in the crypto bear market, going for more HP is a better thing to do.

When it goes back to bull market it will be good to go 50/50.

You will know that we are returning to Bull market by either looking at the Bitcoin price or by seeing HIVE price return to $1.

Yay! πŸ€—
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Yay! Thank you!

Keep up the good work, man. Good looking charts. I admire your dedication to your group.

Thank you very much! I am eager to see what comes next!