in LeoFinance2 years ago
Life is filled with so much distractions. Everyday we tend to pursue more and more things, either to satisfy our own craving or to fit in to a social standards defined for us by our peers. Fame is now the rave of the moment, and everyday we see people do crazy things just to drags the words attention to themselves. But does that attention stay on them for long? The answer is "No".


After chasing all these frivolities we all do come to a point of realisation that we have been using the wrong scale to judge and guide our lives. For this reason, we need to take a step back to discover what the true measure of a life is. A true measure of a man's life is not gotten by how much he was able to amass while he was alive, but rather, by the measure of the number of lives that he touched. That is what a man will be remembered for, when he leaves this Earth.

Although i believe that man is the most intelligent and blessed living things, but that doesn't mean we are the perfect example of what living should be, as we are sometimes behave so cruelly. This is why from time to time we may need to look towards nature in other to learn what is expected of us and then apply it into our lives.

Man's idea about living is mostly selfish. We prefer when we receive things than when we give. Many will prefer to eat first at the expense of others. But when we take a look at nature we will realize that although this kind of behavior is common in our lives, it is not supposed to be so. Take for instance a tree. Whenever a tree bears a fruit, it doesn't eat the fruit by itself, rather it's fruit is meant for humans as well as other animals who wishes to drink from it. We also see this same selfless act in the sunlight we receive from the sun. The sun doesn't shine inward, rather it shines outward providing light for the whole planet in the solar system. This is what our lives should be; a selfless one. We ought to live for others.

Someone may ask, what do we gain from being selfless. Although that's not the point of selflessness, we must understand that there is a reward for everything we do, whether good or bad. Just the same way a good tree will always bear good fruits and a bad tree bear bad fruits, the type of reward we will receive will be proportional to whether our act was good or bad.

Let's take the flowers for an example, they produce fragrance, but they don't keep it to themselves, instead they release it to the sorrounding making the whole place smell nice, while at the same time bringing peace and calmness to the surrounding. Although they do so expecting no reward, that selfless act begins to attract bees and insects that aid in their pollination process.

Now, we can not say for sure that our selflessness will be rewarded monetary or otherwise, but there is one thing we all can be assured of, and that is an unexplainable peace and happiness. If you have ever experienced lack of peace, you will realize how invaluable peace and happiness is.

Whenever we talk about selfless acts, most persons (in their mind) shift the responsibility to those who are wealthy. We must realize that you don't need to be "rich" to help someone in need without expecting something in return. No matter our level, how much we have or where we can, we can extend care to someone who is in need of it.


Flowers are not the largest sized plants, but they also produce oxygen that we breath, along with other big trees. In whatever capacity we find ourselves in, let's be kind. There are lots of persons going through tough times; a little selfless act from you, an act even as little as giving someone a cup of water to drink may be enough to help them through that difficult time. Just do your best, without expecting a reward; that your best is even though little can help make the world a better place for us all.

Read, Ponder, Love.
© whileponderin

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


um.. why is this in leofinance?